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Item links in ECOs


Item links in ECOs


I don't think I am surprised by this behavior, but wanted anyone's input on it.  I am using VP2020.  I create a CO and attach an item.  The item is in the WIP state, version 3.  The CO is in the work state, and I change state of the item to Review.  Now, it is version 4.  I process the CO and start to close it.  I see the item dialog that prompts me to change the state of my item.  I mistakenly leave it in Review and pick 'OK'.  It closes the CO, locks it, leaving version 4 of the item attached.  I go to the item and release it (version 5).  Back at the CO, I cannot update it to have it show that the item was released (still linked to version 4 of the item).  Am I missing anything or is there a way to update the CO?

Mark Cloyed
IMAGINiT Technologies
2 Replies
Replies (2)

Community Manager
Community Manager



Hi.  The first thing I would consider is changing the Vault settings so that State changes are not allowed outside of a CO.  That way you would be forced to do it from inside of the CO, which means that you or whomever "owns" the CO once the state was changed to Review, would need to Reject it back to Open so that it can be moved back to Work by the Change Administrator.  Once it is back in Work, you should be able to do the State change on the Item and proceed.  It's extra steps, but that circular cycle works as a sort of fail safe for things like this, so you CAN get it back to a State where you can correct this.



Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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@CGBenner ,

Thank you for the response.  I had not considered that.  I tested this and found that if I can still fail to release my item during the closure of the CO, by not changing the item state and picking 'OK' when prompted.  This then does force me to start another CO, add that item, and then change the item state to release it.  And, I don't think I want a setting that stops the CO from closing unless all associated items are released, although as I think about it, it does sound appealing.  I need to think of an example where an associated item would not need to be set to released (or is already released).

Mark Cloyed
IMAGINiT Technologies