- A new CN primitive that checks the items selected for the CN workflow to see if they are part of an active CR workflow that hasn't completed yet.
- When it identifies items that meet this criterion, it can create a decision for the assignee to either "Acknowledge and Proceed", "Reject" the CN workflow. or "Recheck Items," that can check the failed items again to see if their corresponding CR workflows have completed.
- This primitive should also include an option to "Email to Assignee," listing all such items found.
Value: This primitive is valuable because some critical tasks in the CN workflow could depend on the completion of certain tasks in the CR workflow. Often, due to user error or the urgency to requisition certain items, users quickly check the status of items and, if they see it as "Released," proceed with creating a CN workflow. The introduction of this new primitive will help prevent CNs from proceeding until CR workflows have completed.
Considering how slow CRs can be to complete the workflow sometimes (could be due to GPS tasks), the availability of this primitive can help take away the responsibility from the designer (initiator of the workflow) to manually verify that all CR workflows have completed before creating the CN workflow. This responsibility can now be shared with another assignee (such as a team member like a PM or Coordinator) to verify and complete the CN workflow only when all items are ready.