Inside the Factory Workshop | Q2 2023
Date: 13th July 2023, Thursday
Time: 9:00am to 10:00am (Eastern Standard Time)
Format: ZOOM
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Upchain Inside the Factory Workshop (ITF) for 2023 Q2. The ITF will take place on Thursday, July 13th, 2023, from 9:00am to 10:00am EST and hosted by Serena Lou and Henrique Ladeira.
Autodesk Hosts:
Serena Lou
Henrique Ladeira
Autodesk Host
Sr. Manager, Customer Engagement
About the Event:
Join us for another Upchain Inside the Factory Workshop (ITF). During this 1-hour virtual event, you will have the opportunity to hear from our guest Autodesk Speakers from Upchain’s Product Development Team. As our guest, you will better understand the latest usability and feature enhancements currently in development for Autodesk’s Upchain Platform. This will be a terrific opportunity for you to get a behind-the-scenes look at our latest advancements. You will interact and engage directly with our Product Team Experts and provide feedback that will help us plan the course of Upchain.
ITF Event Schedule:
9:00am to 9:10am – Welcome and Introductions.
9:10am to 9:45am – Product team presentation on new products and updates.
9:45am to 10:00am – Q&A Session.
Autodesk Speakers:
Andreja Schneider
Mladen Vuk
Tomislav Horvat
Product Management Engineer
Product Management Engineer
Product Management Engineer
ITF Registration and Upchain Feedback Community:
To register for the event, our guests must be enrolled in the Upchain Feedback Community. CLICK HERE to login with your existing account or to create a new account within Autodesk’s Upchain Feedback Community and register for the event. We look forward to your participation in the workshop and getting your valuable input on our products!
On behalf of the Upchain Team, we look forward to seeing you at the event!