Product Update – FM Thresholds Now in Production

Community Manager

Product Update – FM Thresholds Now in Production

Community Manager
Community Manager

The Tandem team is excited to share enhanced capabilities to our Facility Monitoring capabilities with Facility Monitoring (FM) Thresholds. By defining thresholds for incoming sensor data, digital twin builders and owners/operators will gain efficiency in investigating problems in their buildings by providing this context of expected ranges over time. 


To start off, we have made some naming changes within the panels to better articulate the features they represent. Streams Tab is now called Connections, and Charts have been renamed to Streams.  

Our new Streams panel allows users to: 

  • Visually see streams in Charts 


  • Bulk edit and apply thresholds to streams easy to read grid view. 


  • View the status of a stream with color-coded visualization indicating if an IoT device is out of rage. 


  • Take advantage of filtering and utilize the follow selection button which pulls inspiration from our inventory panel. 

Our rebranded Connections tab provides users with

  • The ability to filter and sort by connection status, including: No Data, Offline, and Connected. 
  • jessica_smith_3-1710946581828.pngThe properties panel allows users to view Stream values, status pins, and properties of selected connections. 



To see more refer to the updated help pages HERE. 

Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
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8 Replies
Replies (8)


This is an excellent addition.


But I am getting some weird results for past data.

You can see in the below that the data on the left disappears when scrubbing the timeline. Those threshold shadings on the left are also not correct. In this example if I scrub the time back slightly the data returns.



Also when scrubbing the time into the future (i.e. beyond the current time), the threshold shadings appear. I would prefer that shading is not shown when data is not present.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Chad-Smith 


I have checked some of our example/demo models, and the Streams panel is designed to show the last reading from the stream, so seeing that is expected. That said, I have logged your feedback for the team.


As for what happens when you scrub data and the effects that it has on charts, I would submit a support case using this link so that it can be further investigated.

Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
Autodesk Tandem | Subscribe Now! | Autodesk Tandem Resources



@jessica_smith @Chad-Smith 

is there any opportunity to get a notification after we prepare the threshold in any streams? Please advise if we can set up an email ID for the maintenance team or owner wants to receive it.


Thank You,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @ChandanSutradhar,


Not at this time but this is feedback we have received from several customers. It is currently being explored. 


What information in an email notification would you like to see after setting the thresholds, and how would you like to customize email notification settings?

Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
Autodesk Tandem | Subscribe Now! | Autodesk Tandem Resources




Thank you very much for a quick update.

Regarding notification, normally we set up two things Threshold alert where the maintenance team and owner can see each asset Highest value cross threshold and take action, like overall power consumption from a Panel threshold setup at 10000 KW/h and we see power uses increase in summer, we seen threshold shown as 11000 KW/h, then we shall get alert /alarm as email with current figures to maintenance/Admin/responsible team, for any further action or decision may require. in addition, if we setup alert for warranty period before one month expire for further action or any replacement can be planned. I am also demanding if in future in asset performances alert can be highlighted to responsible team, like noise, vibration, temperature high, leakage etc. I know these will be developing in future and just putting my thought for betterment of Autodesk Tandem Platform.


Thank You,



@jessica_smith , Hi, Please advise if you have any suggestions following points, it may come in coming days in Tandem 

  1. Stream Dashboard with Threshold report
  2. Any historical Dashboard based on Live Sensor Data
  3. Any Asset Managment, mean performance can be track in Tandem, Like prediction of failure of Assets after certain days.
  4. How Tandem is helping out to setup Industrial Project compare to other platform in Industry.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @ChandanSutradhar 


  1. For Streams, we have a Grid view and a Charts view. What is missing from these views that our Dashboarding feature has?
    Grid View:

    Charts View:

  2. We've received this feedback and are currently working on it, with no ETA at this time.
  3. Tandem is not an asset management system. We have designed Tandem to ingest and aggregate data into an easily digestible view. Predictive analytics has come up but is not a current focus.
  4. I'd have to check with the team on this one. Will let you know.

Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
Autodesk Tandem | Subscribe Now! | Autodesk Tandem Resources



Hi @jessica_smith ,


Thank you very much for your continuous support and update on development happening in Tandem.

It will be continued and will get to know many more updates in the future. We agree and understand the purpose of Tandem not as CMMS, However, we are looking for more information respect with to available features, like Threshold notification/alert, Stream Dashboard, Threshold Dashboard, and uniform Graph Range for all streams (date shall change for all stream not individual), etc. However, this is a great tool and platform that is continuously developing, and hoping to get more as we can see the improvement with the timeline.


Thank you,
