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Some Suggestions/Ideas for Autodesk, Given the EOL of Perpetual Maintenance.


Some Suggestions/Ideas for Autodesk, Given the EOL of Perpetual Maintenance.




I made sure I was present for the recent 'Named User' Webinar that took place the other day. It was nicely presented and pretty much answered most general questions. However, it seemed like most everything was geared towards companies with individuals, and not really too much for us individual license holders. The new tools are great for data management, if that is what you need. Which is fine, as I am sure most of your larger companies switched to Subscription already and could benefit from the new tools. I am assuming from my talks with certain persons that the bulk of your left-over Perpetual Maintenance Licensees who are holding on, are an individual license holder, such as myself. 


I have been with Autodesk for maybe about 13+ years, originally started with Avid (Softimage) and later transitioned here to Autodesk with "Maya with Softimage." Most know what Softimage Users have been through already, so let's skip that part. And full disclosure, I like Autodesk - you have some amazing employees, from Project Leaders (TJ) and Developers that I have spoken with in the past, to some of the best customer Support, hands-down. Especially, my experiences with Level-2 (David and Brad) and Product Tech (Jordan, Steven, and also Manny from Softimage days)...with being a massive company that Autodesk is, the one-on-one Support over the years has been top-notch. As you can see, it makes it difficult for a long-term User of your software, given the recent End-of-Life (EOL) of Maintenance for Perpetual License holders. As myself, and I am sure others, like to invest in the 'people' of the company that create and run the software I use for my career. 


I'd like to share a couple of ideas that I came up with that I think would lessen the blow for us remaining Perpetual License Maintenance holders, that I think would be a fair balance with Autodesk retaining their User Base, while also making us, your Users, feel a little more at ease. As the best compromises are usually when both parties feel they gave up something in the end. 


My License: "Maya with Softimage" (Perpetual Network License Holder w/Maintenance)


A.) 'Grandfather' Clause (Best Option)

There is usually an initial buy-in to a product, and in my case $3K-4K, plus the many years of Maintenance (which up until last year Maintenance was not going anywhere). If we were to Transition to Subscription, and have been a long time User with a Perpetual Maintenance Contract with years invested into the system, that at a later point want to stop, because of who knows - life reasons, we'd be "Grandfathered" in where the last installed version of the software remains in a Perpetual state and can be used as much as we want, to doodle around or whatever. This would happen with the 2020 version of the software, and newer, because I believe the newer licensing system is in place at that point across the board. That will keep the Perpetual aspect, which is the most important to me and most likely the crux of the issue with other individual licenses holders, as well. (I'd transition with no qualms if this were to take place. I'd still need access to Softimage for 2 long-term projects, but that's a special case.)


B.) Split Perpetual/Subscription (Second Best Option)

This would be the next best option and might work for me, as well, but not as nicely as the suggestion above. Since we have a hard EOL for Perpetual Maintenance (let's say "Maya with Softimage 2020" and "Maya with Softimage 2021.") that either of those two years only remain Perpetual upon transitioning to the new plans. Where, I'd go onto Subscription with the deal being offered, and either of those last version(s) (depending on when the User takes the offer) remains in a Perpetual state. Effectively, years down-the-road while I am on Subscription, if I have to stop Subscription for some reason, I would lose everything except either of those versions (2020 or 2021) that remained in a Perpetual state. I still get to keep something to doodle/dabble in, but I would not be able to use the latest version that I was during Subscription. (Not ideal, but I could probably live with it, as I get to keep what I paid for while also remaining an Autodesk User and moving onto their Subscription system.)


C.) Competition (Not preferred)

I have a hard time swallowing the initial buy-in with years of Maintenance, to give that all away for a discount on Subscription, where if I have to stop for some reason, I lose all of that investment. I guess I could stop and look into 'Maya Indie' but who knows if that is a permanent option or still just a test run. I'd probably, at that point, have to look into Houdini. It's super nice given the new Solaris architecture (a la close to ICE in Softimage, somewhat...) Another software to learn, plus a -1 in Autodesk User base to the competition. (Not necessarily the best outcome)


I wanted to suggest these options as I feel the major sticking point for us Individual Perpetual Maintenance holders, at least for me, is the Perpetuity of the license. Being a solo person, we know how it is to experience the good years and the bad, and having some sense of ownership after all these years - means a lot. The new sign in for me with a 'Named User' is no problem at all, even the 2-1 offer is nice, but I am by myself so its kind of moot. Perpetuity though, that is massively important to me. I don't know, call me old-school, but if suggestion 'A' would work - I'm in. 'B' not the best, but doable. 'C' well...yeah, not really...


Well, I hope I was able to give a few ideas that might ease things over for us last remaining, and thank you for reading this. As not being a "number," but a "name" is much nicer, but I don't want to be a "$" sign either...not after all these years. (A reply from an Autodesk employee would be greatly appreciated)


-Thank You


Accepted solutions (1)
13 Replies
Replies (13)


Great post Rudy,

essentially sums up everything thats true for my side too. But honestly, given Autodesk's attitude towards everything related to "Individuals" or "Small Teams" licenses , i think all hope is lost....

The only remaining hope in that regard for me is the "Indie" licensing scheme, but seeing how humble and fearful Autodesk acts on this one by only launching it in very limited regions and providing no confidence at all that this licensing scheme is here to stay, crushes that hope too. 

Josef Wienerroither
Software Developer & 3d Artist Hybrid


@spacefrog_ I am definitely hoping for the best. Upon the original transition from Softimage to here, Autodesk did make some adjustments to accommodate their new customers, versus the original offering. Autodesk does have some really nice people whom work there, so I am hoping that this makes it their way for consideration (Option A or B from my original post). I feel they do have quite a few of us individual license holders left, so who knows. I guess we'll see and there is time for things to be fine tuned. I'm trying to think positive on this one, because this one is a very big deal. 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
Accepted solution

Hello @RudyRG3D 


Thank you very much for your feedback and ideas! I have forwarded your suggestions to our internal team for review. I can't promise you that anything will change but at least we are aware of your feedback and will look into it. 

Lynn Zhang
Community Manager


Hello Lynn,


Thank you very much for replying back to me and sending my message along to your internal review team. That is all I could hope for and thank you for doing so. It is very much appreciated.


Thank You,


Community Manager
Community Manager

You're welcome Rudy! I just wanted to make sure your voice is heard. Thanks again for your constructive feedback and valuable suggestions. We appreciate them too!

Lynn Zhang
Community Manager


You're welcome and thanks again. I do hope my ideas can be considered by the internal team - would definitely make things ease a bit. Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @RudyRG3D 


I hope you're well. Sorry, no update on your feedback yet but I'm just wondering if you've heard about our Maya Indie license: ? It's the same industry-standard product but more affordable, specially suitable for recent graduates, freelancers and start-ups. If you fit the criteria, that could be a good option for you? 

Lynn Zhang
Community Manager


Indie licensing would be cool ... but ...

Sorry, Maya Indie is not available in your region.

When will this ever change ? ( same appears for 3ds Max too )

I'm in the mid of Europe BTW - so it's not because i'm located on some exotic isolated island...

Josef Wienerroither
Software Developer & 3d Artist Hybrid

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @spacefrog_ 


Understood! 🙂 At the moment the indie licensing is only available in a few countries as a pilot. Sorry we don't have the date yet but hopefully it will be expanded to other countries soon! I'd suggest you bookmark the page and be on the look out for future update:

Lynn Zhang
Community Manager



Hello @lynn_zhang,


Thank you for following up with my thread and being proactive within Autodesk to see if there were any new developments in regards to my concern. Yes, I have heard of Maya Indie and looked into it as an option, which I might have touched on in my main write-up. However, myself and others, pumped a ton of money into Network Perpetual Licenses over the years - that as of last year - were not supposed to go anywhere. I am really hoping Autodesk can look at my suggestions and consider preferably 'A,' or at least option 'B.' I understand that things change, and the world just took a massive hit with Covid-19. It would be great if Autodesk would take a "healthier" transition into account. I do not mind signing into the new systems or how it operates at all - I'm perfectly fine with that...I just need Perpetuity, especially for 10+ years of investment and loyalty to a company, even after the EOL of Softimage.


The issue with going to Maya Indie, is that it is currently a "pilot" program and can end at any time, or have the licensing criteria change in whom you can do work for, as Houdini's does. I'd like to stay a part of the main "Maya with Softimage" License track that I have now for many years. I do very much appreciate your efforts with suggesting an alternate solution, but I am really hoping Autodesk can make a simple adjustment for moving forward, rather than the now extreme cutoff/transition it is currently taking. Please keep all of us posted and thank you again for your help, it is much appreciated!


Thank You,



Hello @lynn_zhang ,


I just wanted to check-in to see if there has been any updates at all, or more information, with regards to some suggestions that I mentioned?


Thank You for Your Time,



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @RudyRG3D 


Thanks for the follow up! As far as I know our internal team are looking into your suggestions and they really appreciate your input. I will follow up with them and see if they've got any update.

Lynn Zhang
Community Manager



Great! Thank You @lynn_zhang ! I am hoping that there is some good news, very soon! I'm looking forward to hearing any information.