Heavy Heart to Switch From Maya LT + Stingray Combo to Other macOS Combo/Tools


Heavy Heart to Switch From Maya LT + Stingray Combo to Other macOS Combo/Tools

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Hi Autodesk,
The subscribee has sent me the price for another 1 year subscription, I see that the price is still quite high for what Maya LT with Stingray offers. After evaluating Maya LT + Stingray subscribed for 13 months, it didn't meet workflow and requirements of the office and project. I guess it's still too undeveloped and lacking in features, taking into account that Stingray is just a few years old. Also, it disrupts the office's workflow as Stingray does not run on Macs and these disruptions, having to boot to Windows everytime, cost money- on bootup is usually where OSes mess up (any OS) which is why the workflow involves always ON computers (with sleep, non hibernate).
As much as the office loves Maya because that's the first- one of the pioneers, with a heavy heart the office has to cancel the subscription because it, the office, needs to use more powerful and unfortunately/fortunately more affordable tools that work on the Mac and macOS platform well (like Unreal Engine, Blender and other macOS/Mac tools). 
Thank you for understanding but Autodesk's improvements on the Maya LT + Stingray combo (best merged as just Stingray, nobody's done that in the industry too and also, so that the exact material, shader especially and hard surface meshes woes would finally be a thing of the past with import). It also needs more game samples from all game genres, taking into account gemstone materials/shaders like diamonds and chain like weapons game templates) would be checked on (major one is it should all work with macOS and Macs) from time to time because one should always be on the look out for tools that will get the results needed- there's no brand loyalty in most cases. This friendly competition for companies also fosters innovation in terms of: features, performance & affordability. The end result of the project/s is what matters.
Regards to your the Autodesk CEO and everybody at Autodesk who've accommodated my emails, ideas and requests through the years. Hopefully and God willing, we'll do business once again, one of these days. This is of course just for the Maya LT + Stingray combo, not Autodesk as a whole.
God bless, Proverbs 31
and an advanced Happy St. Valentine's feast day (catholic saint from Italy who died in 273 AD)


3 Replies
Replies (3)


@Anonymous Good luck with all your projects Alvin 🙂 Not every tool in the bag is the one you need and we hope you find the solutions you are looking for. We will always be here when you come back. 🙂

Dan Matlack
Senior Content Manager || Games Solutions
Autodesk, Inc.

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I stumbled onto this accidentally as I try to find out why stingray won't install here ( getting weird dll errors, but it 'seems to want to install, but I 'm not sure ) where before it was fine. Maybe this is a update from MS for windows 10 ( .net ???), no idea but all other engines, lumberyard and ue4 installed seamlessly. Its a boon for users to have such stunning engines available to them.


To the point, you comment about leaving Maya LT for blender, while for reasons you noted were unavoidable it seems, and going to blender may cause you serious grief; I know.


Blender while amazing in its own right, and for 'small' meshes may be.fine, will I promise, cause you issues on much larger tri count objects. Experience while priceless can be a nightmare in these cases.


I'ts a known issue , allegedly being fixed (viewport issue) in 2.8X .


It affects edit mode, which is obviously necessary for game dev which is why I*'ve given up on Blender until its fixed,and who knows after that; I remain extremely skeptical.


Maya runs circles around what Blender offers atm , so its less a souring of blender in favor of Maya ( easy for me atm though ) but one of pragmatism, entirely relating to Blenders ( Blender devs know about it ) very slow viewport on objects that aren't all that high in tri count. Your dev needs may vary.


All apps have their niche, and we know what blenders/maya's are individually.


This is just a note to author that Blender may not be the choice you think it is given your design needs, and that I"m offering this warning so you aren't surprised by it during a inconvenient time of your development. I've seen posts on Blenderartists page, from people with very high end i7 based rigs, with very  slow viewports on various meshes; just so you are aware, no more.


Good luck to you obviously  and best wishes to you in your creative processes.







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Btw, error I"m getting has to do with not being able to load adlmpit.dll (127) ! , in user's appdata dir.


Oddly, in my  user/user DIr, there is NO appdata dir.


 I ran this as admin.


As noted LY and ue4 installed perfectly fine so I"ve no idea whats going on here.


TY to anyone that can get me past this.


IE: Can I safely ignore these errors and keep installing ?


TY so much


