Got to Add Augmented Reality Template + How


Got to Add Augmented Reality Template + How

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Hi. VR template is nice but and Augmented Reality Template would really speed things up (hopefully Apple combines those two) for augmented reality games to be made fast and that's thanks to Autodesk Stingray. It'll be Apple pioneering the multi-touch and that made most of it's 207B cash warchest (no debt) and they keep surprising, innovating. The one who pioneers wins (Gillette's expensive Fusion cartridges has no challenger- another example).


Augmented Reality is definitely the interface for 3D and Stingray coz' that's kind of the holy grail, to be able to manipulat it in real 3D space (multi-touch hologram at that - it also changes the games like Minecraft coz' you get to see what's going on, like a map- one glance instead of a globe wherein you have to roll it to see the other side).



How? A DIY "Augmented Reality"


When there is no market. An add hoc augmented reality idea might be to intergrate and use the open source detection that Kinect uses and instead of body joints it'll be detecting hand and finger joints so that people who have cameras can tether that (so there's no lag) to USB with their cellphones and they place the phone near their hand, maybe two hands and two cellphones for a total of 10 touch points, although it's not the same as an actual augmented reality, at least it'll captivate users of other engines. The field view of cameras I believe is around 65 degrees, wide enough maybe to see the hand and fingers with allowance for movement. That could be a game in itself though coz' everybody has a cellphone or a mobile device nowadays- it'll be huge. It's a step away from the mouse as an interface for manipulating/editing things (maybe not for FPS games as that won't be accurate).


If Autodesk implements it, I think it'll grow faster than VR coz' Augmented Reality is more useful. I think VR is gonna' be a disappointment (and will cause headaches) coz' a lot of technology to make it work isn't there: it needs the tech from Magic Leap (depth perceotion issue) and LiquidVR (True Presence issue) to make truly virtual reality without making you sick- if Facebook can subsidize the cost of adding those techs.


But's it's good to have VR and AR as soon as possible.


Thanks. Working hard to advance the future faster:-) It's all from God, I'm just a messenger.


God bless. Matt. 16:18, 1 Timothy 3:15


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Thanks for all the suggestions today! This is something we will definitely be looking at. You can already write custom plugins for Stingray that can do real world camera tracking to objects/cameras in the engine itself (we will have some samples of this in the near future). We are counting on users as well to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. Stingray is very light weight as an engine and allows for lots of possibilities and customization without getting bogged down in legacy code as in some other cases. So, what augmented reality stuff are you going to make? And if you do decide to make something, let us know where we can help!
Dan Matlack
Senior Content Manager || Games Solutions
Autodesk, Inc.