I've mentioned this in passing, in another thread. But I think it deserves its 'moment in the sun' by being given its own spot as a suggestion:
REQUEST: Please provide an option to lock a tool's settings [Brush Size and Opacity] so they cannot be accidentally changed.
RATIONALE: [taken from the other thread]
One of my big frustrations with Sketchbook is that there's no way to properly lock a tool's settings. I can hide most of the interface but I can't get rid of the puck or the two wee sliders which change brush size and opacity.
Now, I realise that, depending on what technique someone is using, they may wish to have this quick access to these settings. For example, someone trying to work in a watercolour style will be wanting to change brush size and opacity regularly. However, for recreating other techniques, the brush size and opacity should remain constant. For example, I often work with the fountain pen tool in a pen and ink style. I want to set the brush [or nib] size at the outset and also the ink colour and opacity [usually 100% to mimic Indian Ink] and then I don't want these to change for the rest of my drawing.
Unfortunately, t's just far too easy to accidentally hit one of those wee brush size/opacity sliders with a stray finger and accidentally change one of those settings. It's annoying enough when [as is the case with brush size] it's easy enough to subsequently spot I've done so and thus undo and correct. But when I accidentally nudge the transparency slider down from 100% to around 90% I often don't even notice I've done so until I've exported the image as a PSD, opened it in Photoshop and found –as per the linked thread – that the barely noticeable 10% or so transparency change in Sketchbook has turned into a 50% change in Photoshop. So I have to go back to Sketchbook and re-ink my drawing.
It's incredibly frustrating.
So it would be great if there was a way to lock-in the settings for a particular tool at the outset, so they couldn't be changed without unlocking the tool first.
Alternatively, providing an option to also include the puck and brush size / opacity sliders when hiding the interface would alleviate the problem of hitting these while drawing and making accidental settings changes.