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A Proposal for SketchBook Linux Support

A Proposal for SketchBook Linux Support


Just wanted to voice my support for a Linux-compatible SketchBook.

The idea of Linux-as-a-desktop is growing in popularity rapidly. Open source organizations are receiving millions of dollars in donations to help create and expand their open-source operating systems for creatives, developers, and regular users alike.

However, you aren't required to produce open-source software to get kudos by other Linux users. Popular apps such as CrossOver, Skype, Discord, and Slack are all proprietary software that are greatly appreciated.

Benefits of offering a Linux version:

  • Gives you the opportunity to become the #1 Linux art tool as their are only a handful of viable competitors/alternatives currently.
  • Linux is arguably the most developer-friendly system to develop for. There are many packaging options, dependencies are easy to install, and their are various sandboxed packaging options - Flatpak and Snap - that allow you to easily support every Linux distribution.
  • If you decide to open-source any components of SketchBook, there are tons of talented Linux developers from around the world that could help you out.
Status changed to: Archived

Hi @Anonymous, 

Thanks for you idea submission. Currently SketchBook supports two operating systems on desktop/laptop with Windows and Mac OS which make up the majority of the market for that segment (approx. combined market share of 97.38%) and on mobile and tablets we support two major operating systems with Android and IOS (approx. combined market share of 98.65% for mobile and 99.9% tablet) - we also support Windows tablets/mobile but that basically comes for free with our Win10 support. 

While I understand that Linux has a strong following among some communities, Linux market share on Desktop (2.0%) and Mobile (0.04%) has not moved significantly in the last 2 years. 

Given that we have limited resources, we have to apply them where we will affect the largest number of potential users.  I'm sorry, but the low number of potential Linux customers would not justify the high cost of creating and supporting another platform.  





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Hello @colin.smith ,

I hope you are well. I agree with your concern about Linux as a platform for Autodesk Sketchbook. And you are right about the user base of Linux being 2% of the market.


But you know, Linux is growing up with a rocket speed. But don't you think that the Linux users who want to use Sketchbook on Linux is being pushed aside to use other Software instead. Like[Kirita, Vectr, Pinta, etc..]. And Users who goes from Linux to Other operating system just for drawing purpose, they might use Adobe Photoshop over Sketchbook.


And about the support base,   It's not a good thing if the support is weak. But if, Autodesk Uploads the source code of Sketchbook on github then the github community can help Autodesk to make it's own support base.


Thus I say, it's not a bad idea for Autodesk to Upload a Version For Linux.





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Sure would be Nice.........Not like AutoDesk cannot afford this feature.

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I'm looking into getting Linux because I despise Windows. But since Sketchbook doesn't have Linux support, you're forcing me to stick with Windows. And since Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft, I may have to purchase Win 10 and I don't want that.

I get the feeling that many programs don't work with Linux is because the companies won't give Linux a chance. So in a way this is Autodesk's fault, along with other companies,  I have to buy yet another lame OS from a greedy company.

So please give Linux a chance.



@Anonymousyes, you are very correct! No one gives Linux a chance, i think it is because Linux is actually trying to do something GOOD for the public, unlike the money-sucking, privacy-intruding, greedy companies like Microsoft and their Windows OS.

Please give Linux a chance, guys! PLEASE create a version of Sketchbook to support Linux!!! Don't go solely with the big corporations, give the little guys a chance, too. Everyone, even Microsoft (Windows), started out small, and someone had to be there to support them. Even Autodesk had to start small at some point or another. It's not like it isn't in your power to create a version of Sketchbook for Linux. Come on. There is no excuse here! I chose to move from Windows 10 to Linux for the sole fact that they watch everything you do, and intrude on your privacy every second. When Linux becomes a large company, they will surely come back and look at all of their supporters that helped them get to where they are. Be one of those generous supporters.

Help Linux out.

Give them a chance.

Thank you.

Thank you.

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Hello @colin.smith ,
This needs to happen now since Windows 11 is now launching this year and Windows 10's support is set to be ended in 2025 by Microsoft. Now, a lot of us are unable to afford newfangled desktops. And because of the huge incompatibility requirements of Windows 11 and our paranoia of what might be Sketchbook ending support for Windows 10 by the time the latter becomes obsolete, we prefer to stick with our current desktop systems. We want the Linux release of Sketchbook. It will also benefit a lot of growing artists and the open-source users who do their projects mostly on Linux. And @newslettersPANTG, thank you for voicing this out for the Linux users. I have been using Sketchbook for Drawings and Sketches for 2 years on the PC.


I do not want to spend loads of bucks on the new computer systems. Please
come out with a Linux version!

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