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New Release, Patch, and SP Notifications

New Release, Patch, and SP Notifications

There should be a way to subscribe to alerts when new releases of Simulation Mechanical or even patches and service packs are available. Currently the AutoDesk Application Manager does not display updates for Simulation Mechanical and there are no notifications in the program to let the user know that there are updates available.


Even on my Account Management page, which is where I go to download new versions of our AutoDesk software, there is no evidence of SP1 for Simulation Mechanical which was released back in August.


In the past I had to do a search on the Autodesk web page to figure there was a new release. It would be good to receive a notification that an update is available.


Pierre Malouf


I agree with adlerd. It is nearly impossible to find service packs for sim mech or in my case sim mech flex. I just had to update my workstation and I knew I had installed a service pack on the old workstaiton but it took me forever to find the service pack. It should be listed in the Account Management page with the application downloads.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

in the 2017 release we support this via Autodesk Dektop App

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