How do I prevent a divergence error? I check the meshing size and made sure the bc was not too complex. I still get diveregence error. What to do?
Could you make it clear divergence in which analysis type? Since you asked question in fluid analysis, the divergence usually comes from (top are more common)
- Improper/illegal boundary conditions
- Over-constrained boundary conditions
- Poor mesh quality
- Too large time steps for unsteady analysis
I am doing steady fluid analysis. I uploaded the model as reactor 7 in dropbox. Can you see if I made a mistake.
hi, Asif,
I tried your most recent model reactor7.fem from dropbox, I put the fluid material to Air and turned on "turbulence" from setup/parameter/load curve tab/turbulence (change from 0 to 1). It solves, refer to attached images.
If the flow is turbulence flow (user needs to estimate the Reynolds number) , the turbulence has to be turned on , otherwise it may introduce the solution stability issue.
PS, I have uploaded the modified model (with results) into your dropbox.
Hi Joey
I tried doing the analysis my self because I uploaded the model you saved from my dropbox but the results did not saved. I change the turbulence number to one. However, I still get a divergence error. How do you put the fluid material to air?
From FEA Editor/design scenario i/tree view/Parts/Part i/Material, right click to assign material/Edit material,
you can select material from material library /or edit existed material properties.If you see any RED cross, that indicates the model is not ready (incomplete).
I have uploaded the .zip file to your drop box, you can simply download/unzip it, and click .fem file to open the model in SIM/MP software, I have finished run for this model and the settings/results are complete.
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