Thanks for your reply Eduardo ,
This is what i am expecting : deflections is a displacement difference between two points , one point on a support (or not) , the other on the element investigated.
I dont know if it is convenient to talk about deflection in slabs unless we precise in regard to what ( for beams , its a little bit clear because support are identified and are nodal ) , especially for slabs with different supports stiffness's.
My design process is to verify slab "Primary supports" ( horizontal ) deflections in regard to their supports ( vertical ) , especially if they are embedded in the slab , and then verify the deflection of the slab itself to these Primary supports, by subtracting their "displacement" from slab's one. ( values displayed in the "Deflections map )
What do you think about that ?
A little Remark to Rafal/Artur , wouldn't be convenient to uniformise terms in this userform and similar ? ( see attachement please )
Thanks a lot.