I have created a tower structure in Robot (Image 2).. Is it possible to get values of coeffiecients of the design code selected in the job preferences. I am trying to construct a table as seen in Image 1, Can I accomplish this task using Robot or I need to migrate to some other tool/software. I don't find these values in the results that I obatin for forces from Robot(Image 3). Any help/feedback is really appreciated. Thank you.
you may be able to extract the data by a macro on an rtf or other file (by keywords or regular expression type)
Best regards
Hi @Stephane.kapetanovic ,
Thank you for your response. I am new to robot so I don't clearly understand what you mean by "macro on rtf". Can you please elaborate the approach you suggested? .. Maybe provide some link/article that may help me with this.
Thanks again!
I'm not an expert in EIA/TIA codes.
If you generate the wind load using automated load generation, you will get component results in the calculation report
First, Robot performs all these calculations for you when you generate the loads. This is just a formatting for you.
Robot also provides a calculation note for climatic actions (Wind) which includes the data you have entered and the overall results.
You have an API that can be used with MS Office or Visual Studio.
With it you can collect bars, coordinates of nodes, you can collect loads and do floor sums.
In one go, it's a lot of work, but that's the idea.
You will find for this on the forum a large number of documented topics and useful tools.
You can also collect the nodes, the bars, their dimensions and the loads from the tables of your model and do a post processing of the data by yourself manually.
You can also transform the editions of data and results by saving them in a format that allows extraction by a macro, for example in Word or Excel.
Besr regards
Hi @Stephane.kapetanovic , I actually have tried what @okapawal suggested but the solution is limited. I need to construct tables with values of coefficients such as (EPA, Design Wind Force ..) of the design code .. Attached you will find the wind calculation file that I got from Robot.
You will be able to find your modified file.
I removed the summary of segments by load case and left the results by members.
Below is the code to insert in Word that I told you about.
Sub CopyFormattedTextResultsToExcel()
Dim cDoc As Word.Document, cRng As Word.Range
Dim Txt As String, TxtVal As String
Dim Regex As RegExp
Set cDoc = ActiveDocument
Dim xls As Excel.Application
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Set xls = New Excel.Application
With xls
.Visible = True
End With
TbMod = Array("D" & ChrW(-4035), " D=", _
"F= ", " F=", _
"C F", "CF", _
"e= ", " e=", _
"z= ", " z= ", _
"K z=", " Kz=", _
"q z=", " qz=", _
"kip/ft2", " kip/ft2 ")
For i = 0 To UBound(TbMod) Step 2
Set cRng = cDoc.Content
With cRng.Find
.Text = TbMod(i)
.Replacement.Text = TbMod(i + 1)
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll, Forward:=True, Wrap:=wdFindContinue
End With
Next i
Set Regex = New RegExp
Regex.Pattern = "[^\d,.-]+"
MatchTxt = Array("Member : ", "e= ", " z= ", " Kz= ", " qz= ", "CF= ", "D= ", "F= ")
For i = 0 To UBound(MatchTxt)
Set cRng = cDoc.Content
Set rng = xls.Range("A1:Z10000")
With cRng.Find
.Text = MatchTxt(i)
.Execute Forward:=True, Wrap:=wdFindStop
Do While .Found
With cRng
.Collapse Word.WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseEnd
.MoveEndUntil Cset:=" ", Count:=Word.wdForward
.FormattedText.Font.ColorIndex = wdBlue
Txt = Replace(.FormattedText.Text, ",", ".")
TxtVal = Regex.Replace(Txt, vbNullString)
lg = lg + 1
rng.Cells(lg, i + 1).Value2 = Val(TxtVal)
.Collapse Word.WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseEnd
End With
End With
lg = 0
Next i
Set objXL = Nothing
MsgBox "Work completed", vbInformation, "End"
End Sub
Here is the result obtained in just a few minutes
The extracted texts are colored in blue for better verification.
Best regards
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