Why is REVIT so slow?


Why is REVIT so slow?


I have a very powerful workstation (i9-10900X, 64GB ram, RTX 4000 GPU) but when I navigate 3D views in REVIT, I still only get like 10-20 FPS i.e. very choppy. If I look at my CPU/GPU usage when I am rotating a 3D model, they are both basically at idle ~10% usage. I have checked the Graphics settings within REVIT and I have "Hardware Rendering" and "Draw Visible Elements Only" turned on . 


I have Revit 2021, 2022 and 2023 all installed and it doesnt seem to matter which one I use, they all perform about the same, very choppy whenever rotating or navigating around a 3D model. My models arent huge either, just regular residential or small commercial buildings. I just wan't smoother imagery and I feel like my PC should be able to handle it. It's kinda hard on the eyes when you are looking at this choppy slideshow all day. It would be a lot more comfortable on the eyes if I could run it at a minimum of 60 if not more (I have a 144hz display so the higher, the better). When I view, for example, an IFC. I can rotate around and look at the structure from different angles and it runs super smoothly, it's far more gentle on the eyes and make it a lot easier to work with, especially over the course of an 8 hour workday. 


Does anyone know any tips/tricks to make better use of my hardware to make REVIT run smoother?

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Random suggestion. But iv seen a lot of people complain about Revit performance and a lot of time it ended up being updates needed to hardware such as keyboards or the mouse. Check for latest updates etc.

Have you tried to disable hardware acceleration off and restart revit?