I guess why are you trying to export this back to AutoCAD for?
Are you familiar with Export/ Options/ Export setups DWG/ DXF? There's some work to do to get proper dwg:s. When I eg. export Revit files with families the block in Autocad is given the same name as the Revit family without any file name prefixes.
yes I am familiar with the options.
but I think only a part of output can be tuned.
and it's not the file name prefix that is the problem
it is the sheetname suffix and another number that I can not explain (looks like guid count value)
need some more insight
yes, that is what I am thinking.
Can nothing really be said why or how Revit puts together blockdefinitions DWG in 3D of 2D views?
I am still guessing how these numbers can be tackled..
When you place instances of loadable families, the geometry comes from something called symbol geometry. This is transformed for all instances. When cut or joined to other elements, the geometry becomes instance geometry (is unique with respect to the original symbol).
When exported to DWG, elements based on loadable families are exported as blocks. The block name contains the Family Name, type name, Element ID of the symbol and level.
Here are some columns in plan view. The geometry is the same for all instances, so they all produce the same block:
Since the export produces 2D representations of the element (in 2D views), any variation or obscuring of the element geometry will produce different blocks. If we have 4 instances of the same element in a view, but 3 of them are obscured or missing some geometry due to overlapping elements, one block gets the symbol ID, while the others get V2, V3, V4, etc. This is because the blocks are different.
In the following example I created an inclined detail section to create a 2D view oriented similar to a 3D one, so the elements are shown in different orientations.
Since those are 2D representations of the elements, they produce different blocks (block name in text field). Overlaps with other elements affect the geometry and produce different blocks.
Currently there is no way to alter the block name.
Where would you use such an ability? What would be the criteria for setting the name?
Without setting the name and it being consistent to other blocks that are the same, there is no way to do counts. In our software, we create asset catalog items and assign AutoCAD dwg files to those catalog items. We are then able to place those blocks in rooms (polylines linked to room records) with our ui and they become asset items in that room. We can then assign unique IDs (usually created and used by the clients) in order to generate reports containing counts and summaries of how many of each asset is in rooms, floors, buildings... Our program also allows us to place these AutoCAD blocks, using the AutoCAD insert command in multiple places in the drawing. Once placed, we have a command, "Update Database from Drawing" and it would convert all of those blocks into assets in one command. With each similar block having different names, this is impossible. We will have to manually place the blocks again in AutoCAD, using the converted REVIT Families as a reference. AutoCAD is not dead! It would be nice if these products played nice with each other.
I appreciate everyone's feedback on this. if we solve this programmatically, I will share the solution with the group.
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