REVIT 2017 - Fabric Area Reinforcement


REVIT 2017 - Fabric Area Reinforcement

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I am creating fabric area mesh and have a number of questions that I think I know the answer too, in that it currently is not possible. 


I have top and bottom A393 mesh. What I would like is for the mesh to be placed so that the major direction is on top for both the bottom and top sheets when in section. At the moment the mesh auto creates so that the major direction is always the bar that is at the extremities to the cover. This means that we have to detail two U-Bar sizes for the slab edges where one would be applicable if I could just flip the mesh over. It isn't the end of the world but the installers are asking why we are not using one bar type for the detailing and our only answer is because we cannot manipulate Revit to do so isn't going to fly. Thoughts? 




The second is flying ends. I assume this is not possible either with the standard families loaded and would need a custom family created. I was thinking of producing an A393 flying mesh that can have the 4 sides show a tick box if it is flying or not. There would be the possibility of the following configurations per sheet with colour filters (Note: if something that is not within these selections then it would remain grey as they cannot be purchased as stock items and would be called up with custom requirements); 


- No flying ends (Red)


- Flying End 1 side short (Top), 1 side long (Left) (Green)

- Flying End 1 side short (Top), 1 side long (Right) (Blue)


This way we can create a schedule with the correct flying ends and positions shown on a slab drawing for the rebar installers on site. 



It also appears that there is a predetermined filter on for fabric sheet where it shows longitudinal bars in cyan when using consistent colours or shaded (we want to use consistent these for the filters and other graphic output reasons). I cannot find a way to adjust this blue though. You cannot override graphics in view as it doesn't determine the colour there. 


Going into VG overrides and structural fabric reinforcement is greyed out for surface patterns, go into model object styles and selecting fabric reinforcement there and selecting the correct material.  None of the other rebar is coloured, for instance user produced rebar links etc are just coloured white with black outlines as expected. Thoughts on where I need to adjust the colour setting to get the fabric to show the same? 


I don't know where revit is picking up the fabric meshes in regards to library as Structural Fabric Reinforcement doesn't show in the RVT2017 file and so I cannot see what may be set within each fabric sheet for the stock sheets that Revit have saved. There does not appear to be any hidden folders there. 


Sorry for long post but a lot of questions and understanding here as first time we are using Revit for reinforcement detailing and we need to show our team leaders that it is more viable than a CAD's package such as CADs RC or MultiRebar and at moment we have things that are limiting our output. 






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OK so the solution to the issue of not being able to flip the mesh sheets is to place both on top and just set additional cover distance as needed. Not ideal but a quick work around. 


Haven't managed to get any further yet with the flying ends family and the colour filter issue. Will try and get this firmed up by end of the week and then post up if we can get it sorted.