Beams not showing up


Beams not showing up

Not applicable


I've created a multi-level structure and I'm trying to place a beam that won't show up in the view. I've checked the visibility/graphics, view range and beam level placement. I can't find a reason it won't show up. I made sure it was on the correct workset and that the workset was visible. Please advise on any other ideas you have to get them to show. I know they are placed because when I cut a view the beams are there. Just not showing in my structural plan.

Thank you 

Accepted solutions (4)
14 Replies
Replies (14)

Accepted solution

I've found this checklist helpful more than once!


Checklist: 33 steps to being able to 'find stuff'
Check to see if:
1. The object or category is temporarily hidden
2. The object or category is hidden in the view
3. The object is being obscured by another element
4. The object's category or subcategory is hidden in the view
5. The object is outside the view's view range
6. The view's far clip depth is not sufficient to show the object
7. The object resides on a work set that is not loaded within the project
8. The object resides on a work set that is not visible in the view
9. The object resides on a work set that is not loaded in a linked file
10. The object resides on a work set that is not visible in a linked file
11. The object resides within a group (detail model) and it has been excluded from the group
12. The object is part of a design option that is not visible in the view
13. The object is part of a linked file that is not visible in the view
14. The object has one or more of its edges overridden to display as '<Invisible lines>'
15. The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible in the view type
16. The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible at the view's detail level
17. The object is set to not be visible at the category's detail level
18. The element has been placed outside the view's crop region (visible extents)
19. The element is an annotation object and does not reside entirely within the annotation crop region
20. The object's phase settings or the view's phase settings prevent the object from displaying in the view
21. The view's discipline is prohibiting the visibility of the object
22. The object is affected by a filter applied to the view
23. The object is subject to an element override, set to background color
24. The object is subject to a category override, set to background color
25. The object style is set to background color
26. The object is constrained to a scope boxes that is not visible in the view
27. The extents of the object itself don't permit it to be seen
28. The object is a mass, and 'Show Mass' is turned off
29. The object's host view has been deleted (area boundaries)
30. The view's scale is prohibiting the object's visibility
31. The object is a linked instance with coordinates too great for Revit to handle
32. The user has incorrectly identified the link instance to which the element belongs
33. The object is in a link that is not in its correct positio


Good luck,



Citing your sources means good karma... 🙂

Kate Morrical
Digital Design Manager, Washington DC

Accepted solution

Do you use Structural Plan view?

Notice, that beams are not visible in an architectural Floor Plan view type.

Waldemar Okapa

Sr Product Owner

@Kate -

Yes, of course. Thank-you.


Not applicable
Accepted solution

I tried all of the steps, still didn't show. I ended up selecting beams in a section where they DID show, then using Modify>Cut to Clipboard cut them then pasted them to the same place. Presto! They showed up in the view they were missing from. Go fig. I wish Revit would enhance the "reveal hidden elements" allow you to reveal WHAT elements you'd like to reveal. Anyone who works in Revit knows how messy that can be in a big project.

Not applicable
Accepted solution

I just had the same exact problem but I changed my view from 'Coarse' to 'Fine' and it showed up

Not applicable

Thank you for your comment, it helped me.

I was not able to see the beams in ceiling plans in architectural template. By changing detail level from COARSE to FINE they showed up 🙂 

Not applicable

This 'change course to fine' worked for me.  Thank you.


Not applicable

Thanks...It worked


Not applicable

Hai sir,

  I done structural beam and column in structure template ,ARC done by other template ,I Link structural  to Architecture . Now,i want to show beam above but i can't ,give any solution -req.(i am using Revit 2021)




I'm guessing you are in an Architectural model and have linked the Structural into it. I will answer the question as if that's what you have done. 

Go to Visibility Graphics in your template. 

Go to the Revit Links Tab.

Go to the Basics Tab.

In the "Linked view" make sure there is a view from the structural link applied to it. Example Level 2 Framing

select "view range"  and try changing that to By linked view.

If you use "By host view" make sure the view range top and cut plane in your plan view is above the structure framing and looking down.

Hope this helps.



Try looking for a plan region. I just found on in the architectural model which was affecting the structural beams I was placing into the plan.


Not applicable
Thanks. I also discovered a family we created that was causing extreme cutbacks at the beams too.



If it's any help to anyone I made the schoolboy error 🙄 of wondering why joists were not showing on floor plans only to realise that they were just below the floor level - they are joists afterall - so not visibible on the floor plan of that level.