Hi Jay, thank you for your response.
I tried free form in this case before, but I got an undesired outcome. Please see below snapshot:
However, when you brought up free form, I thought about it again. So this time I created a dummy geometry as a host and then applied free form, the outcome looks fine to me.
I know we can apply constrains between free form rebars and the concrete surface or cover. But I wonder, could we add constraint between free form rebars and other bars? For example, I have two stirrup sets, they are both free form rebars. I want the distance between the hook of upper stirrup and the hook of bottom stirrup to be constant, say 500mm lap rather than 1832mm in the snapshot. But it seems that Revit doesn't allow me to add constrain between two hooks.
And then I tried another way. At this time, the hook of the bottom stirrup is constrained to the top surface of the host and the hook of the upper stirrup is constrained to the bottom surface of the host. In this case, the bottom stirrup works fine, but the upper one is flat at the bottom which makes the distance between two stirrup hook is less and less.
Then I tried to add constrain between the hook of upper stirrup and the top face of the host so that the bottom of the upper stirrup would follow the slope, but I got some tricky results:
The desired outcome should look like this:
Are you able to help with that? I would appreciate.
Many thanks.