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Specification and Material for Fabricated Ductwork Greyed out


Specification and Material for Fabricated Ductwork Greyed out

Not applicable

When I convert ductwork using the Design to Fabrication tool in Revit, I am then unable to change the specification or material of the runs of duct. I can only change it when a piece of duct has an open end which is very annoying. For the material I managed to edit the database on CADmep and assign it for each piece which isn't an issue whereas the specification is always different. I have gone onto the database in CADmep and checked that the specification is unlocked....all out of ideas…..

Accepted solutions (1)
5 Replies
Replies (5)

Accepted solution

Hi @ e.hughes7


Thanks for reaching out about this issue, I can certainly see how annoying this is. I am curious if you are aware that you can set the specification in the fabrication service before using the design to fabrication feature which will assign the material and specification for you?

The reason we don't allow these to change is because doing so could alter the standard duct lengths or connectors which could invalidate the model. We do have a Change service tool which allow the parts to be swapped out to different services that could contain these breaking changes.



Craig Farish

Quality Analyst | Product Owner | Experience Designer

Not applicable

Hi Thanks for the reply,


Yes I did see that when I set the material however my company uses the different fabrication services to differential the numbered AHU's etc so therefore I would need 3 copies to set Class A,B and C to each of these.


Not to worry I will continue export it to CADmep to change the specification


Thanks for the clarification anyway, tried a lot of different ways to get around the issue


Hi @Anonymous 


Thanks for closing the loop on this thread.


Quick question if i may, the different services that you have configured to identify each AHU, do they all share the same service template?




Craig Farish

Quality Analyst | Product Owner | Experience Designer


Not applicable



I'm not totally sure to be honest with you, it's my company's database, through looking they all seem very very similar with only the slightest differences in some so could possibly be the same service template.


They use the different services to hide layers on drawings if there's a lot of ductwork running over the top of eachother


Hope this helps


Has there been any change in this workflow since 2019?

I would like to convert design models to use my specifications. Although my databases pipe services have specifications applied to drive the coordination and fabrication process so it has the correct PVF, my ductwork does not and this is by design. I use generically named ductwork services and apply the specification to what is applicable for the project, ie SAHP could use 3 or 4 or 6" wg press class. I could make a project specific service for ductwork and apply the specification but the con to that are an even larger database due to so many service templates.

Unique to us, we are a contractor who only installs duct, we buy from different vendors.