A really interesting topic, not only in terms of the discussion about energy analysis, but also the discussion about Autodesk and the development of Revit as a software.
When I started working in Revit (and a lot of time has passed since then), I remember how much enthusiasm there was.
Revit was software that was meant to rule all other software (like the Ring in Lord of the Rings).
Energy analysis/calculation of pressure drops in ducts /distribution/calculation of pressure drops in pipe distribution...etc.
It was imagining software for engineers - designed so that I can complete whole project without opening five other software.
You are talking here about exporting gmbx to some other software for energy analysis, and you forget that revit has the same analysis in it - which has not been updated for 15 years - with a lot of errors (detailed discussed on hundreds of topics)-I didn’t tested what happen with this functions few years because we buy plug in to that-but I was wonder what happen with that function.
We buy a product and when we buy it - we realize that there are errors/calculation errors in it and then this error stay with us many years - we waste money on it - would you buy a car if the seller tells you that his wheel does not work, but you can buy the same wheel from another company and everything will be ok.
Also, a quite frequent topic on this forum is about the calculation of the pressure drop in ducts and ASHRAE tables in revit (no one even mentions calculation for pipes anymore 😪) And no one knows how it really works - ASHRAE tables are a bigger mystery than the Egyptian Pyramids/ Roswell/Area 51/ assassination of John F. Kennedy…etc 😀
-Routing preferences in Revit have not changed for 17 years - for the same pipe, I need to have two or three routing preferences because it cannot have a tee and a tap in one preference-its impossible add some rules. Flange also…
-if you do ductwork in revit and client ask you to provide area of this duct 🙂 for area of the fittings you need to ask Dr. Strange because only Dr. Strange&Scarlet Witch can help us 😀.
How many things has Autodesk upgraded for REVIT M and P (mechanical and piping) users in these 15 years?
I remember only one thing – I think in 2014 or even 2015 revit allow as to put grill on duct 😂 - yes my dear friends before that it was pain in a if I want to put grill directly on duct.
Etc etc...
I would like to say that its not idea to criticize Revit – I like to work in Revit (and it is not Stockholm syndrome 😀) and I think it’s the best software on market. I criticize the lack of will to correct an error in the software - especially if the error was detected and reported.
Now a few words about gbxml - I remember when I was exporting to gbxml from Revit to HAP that there was some limitations when I try to import gbxml in software like HAP (if I remember correctly, hap could only insert eight surfaces for one room)- so sometimes you can prepare perfect gbxml with all data but software importer doesn't support this.
A lot of things I typed by hand. The same thing happened with trace - the worst thing is that a bunch of rubbish gets into the software which you can only see at the end or even worse when your superior sees or even worse client 😂 and time is running out.
I remember what I do few times (sketch up was still free), open studio/legacy open studio had a plug in for sketch up - so I quickly recreate the building- it was just box –sketch up was great tool to do this and then assign properties to it and then export gbxm to software hap or trace or continue with os - that gbxml was excellent quality and quite updated.
But if the building changes, I did the changes manually (and it always changed) 😰.
I remember that I also try to create gbxml room in autocad mep and than export to other software – but I noticed that floors was exported as roof, interior walls as exterior walls….