I have already searched a little bit about this problem, but I haven't found a way to solve it.
In this current project, we are collaborating with the architectural, structural and plumbing team and we are responsible for the Mechanical and Eletrical part.
Now we are having some problems in the coordination between the models, when they link my project to them it doesn't have the same orientation. The project is in the right place, but when they link my project it appears in the Project North orientation instead of the True North.
I will explain the workflow that I followed.
1 - I created my project and I linked the Architectural and Structural models to it.
2 - I copy the floors of one of them and start working from the same origin point.
3 - After that I defined the True North and Project North and started the model.
Only a few time later I noticed that they didn´t used Project North, they used Scope Box instead. for them the Project North and Real North is the same orientation. This make any difference since they have the same Real North?
Shouldn't the models be in the same orientation since the Real North is the same for both models?
I can manually rotate the model after the link and its fine, but shouldn´t be that the way.
I would really appreciate help, thanks in advance.