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Zoom to Object

Zoom to Object

I find it odd that there is no Zoom Object/Selection command. The functionality is there in different forms (view cube in 3D, "Show"), but you can't simply type a shortcut and perform the action.


As a side note, I'd probably set the shortcut to ZO despite that already being assigned to Zoom Out. Guess I'll just have to use the mouse scroll like I'm pretty sure every single person in the world does.


I agree with you that this should be a built-in tool.

In the mean time, here's a plug-in that can does what you're looking for.


Not applicable

Good Idea man!...Auto cad has this option for years...


The pyApex addin for the pyRevit addin has an entry called Zoom Base Point. Alt-left-clicking that brings you to its source code. Going up one level in the file manager allows you to copy the script's folder. Next you can rename it to something appropriate like ZoomSelection.pushbutton. Inside this copied folder you can edit (notepad is sufficient) the text file and alter its __title__ entry name so that you will find it later in the revit environment. Change the line "elements = cl.OfCategory(category).ToElementIds()" to "elements = selection" and this newish script will move your viewport to the selection. It will ask to open an appropriate view if the selection would not show in the current view. It is a bit like Revit's own BX command working in 2D now.

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