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Worksharing Monitor - Quality of Life Improvements

Worksharing Monitor - Quality of Life Improvements

Please add the following features to the Worksharing Monitor:


1) Indicate version of Revit user is using. A grey name can mean an outdated Revit version among others, but displaying this direct in a "version" column and an urgent error notification of this for all users, and adding error messages, can really help prevent corruption of central models.


2) Indicate that user does not have Worksharing monitor open. A grey name can mean that the user does not have the Worksharing Monitor open, but displaying this directly in an "in use" column, and adding error messages, can really help enforcing the use of the monitor.


3) Indicate that user use working directly in the central model or in a local file. A red out can mean that the user is working in the central model , but displaying this directly in a "status" column, and adding error messages, can really help enforcing the use local files (more critical for newer users.


4) Having the monitor be built into Revit and not a stand-alone application will enforce use of it and improve the workflow of all users. Are there any drawbacks to this? The user interface has a lot unused space to the left of the workset selection button and drop-down list. This will finally allow Revit to notify users that there is a newer version rather than having to manually check... since IT teams cannot roll out updates across a server.


5) Add performance analysis reports of different users by analysing the average user time to synchronise and then comparing when a user's sync time, considering number of syncs, is far slower than the overall average. This might help team's realise when PC upgrades are required.


Another point that I missed: E-transmitting a Revit model indicates your name in Red and requires closing the entire instance of Revit. Perhaps the worksharing monitor should also indicate this as it gives a false-negative warning of working inside the Central Model.


Additional point: allow Worksharing monitor to detect all Revit versions, and not version specific. You are only allowed to open one monitor at a time, and only for one version. So working in 2 instances of say Revit 2021 and 2022 does not allow opening a worksharing monitor for each instance.

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