Would love to see this update to Worksets:
The ability to alter the visibility as "Make Visibile in All Views" or not is a great feature, but to expound on that concept can there be a toggle that allows the workset to be "visible", perhaps as an underlay, in the views you tell it to NOT be visible in and they simply are put on a non-printable "layer" when "activated" in this way?
What I'm thinking would allow this to happen is keep the options available in Worksets as currently globally formatted in the collaboration tab. Then provide an instance drop-down feature in the properties browser applied to each type of 3D view (allowing you to select all worksets in model or a specific one populating the selection list as they are created) that shows the selected workset(s) in a non-printable display. This way if it's left on it won't print by accident, but the items are seen and easily adjustable when layouts change.
What often happens is that a workset is not visible in a view and an item either gets placed again in the same area because it's not seen in that view (human error), or when changes to a plan occur items on another workset not visible to that view where the changes are happening are not accounted for in the alteration of the layout until it's noticed later in a different view (sometimes too late).