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@YarUnderoaker In most instances it would be very helpful if MEP lights, air terminals, etc would cut ceilings. I end up with a non-primary design option duplicate of ceilings (since I can't use a void family or their lights won't host) to place the lights for rendering, but it has to be manually coordinated.
I propose adding a second checkbox in the link settings to go with "room bounding". Something along the lines of "Linked elements can cut host elements"
One of my coworker mention, being able to Copy monitor MEP lights, air terminals, etc. which would be a good solution for Arch too.
Just make a face based family with a void?
Face base will cut through a link? Typically we do not host because if we open the file and a ceiling is moved we get errors on the way in and Revit only gives the option to delete - not un-host.
it is quite essential that there is a coordination process. MEP Places MEP-Objects --> Architect links MEP-Model into his A-Modell --> Architect gets a notice (A kind of collision issue), that a Linked Objects wants to cut a void in the Wall --> Architect either press "Accept" --> The linked model cuts a Yellow void in the A-modell --> The contruction engineer also gets a notice a presses "Accept" --> The A-Modell makes adjustments in the Take off, of needed building materials because of the void. If the Architect do not press "Accept" but instead "No", the Architect can type a comments in the notice, that the MEP engineer will see.