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Little update, workaround b) doesn't work in 2017 or 2017.1 as if a sheet has any view that needs to be rasterised on it, it will rasterise the entire sheet - apparently a bug that isn't going to be fixed until 2018(?!)
Revit should at least be able to combine vector lines with raster in printings (PDF prints in realistic style). This is a wish of our customer "Obermeyer Planen+Beraten GmbH".
Just want to give this a little bump again - the raster issue is a big problem, and needs to be addressed. Renderings are really the only thing in Revit that should ever output as raster, everything else should be all vector all the time (ie, shadows, shaded views, etc).
Also, if something in a view has to be rasterized (say, a point cloud, maybe), it shouldn't cause everything else to be rasterized in that view, and especially not on an entire sheet (and really, point clouds should be able to be vectored as well...).
Hey guys, I have the same issue!! My major concern is that you can't link these elevations with bluebeam and snap to do estimating. However you can on ArchiCAD for like for like settings. Check out my feedback here.
Someone has probably posted this before, but we need to be able to print vector PDF's when shadows are turned on. The PDF quality is too low with the raster prints which defeats the purpose of using shading.
It would be huge improvement for Revit: ability to have elevations, sections and site plans printed out to pdf not as pixel image but entirely vector, with customisable hatches for shadows.
As long as we are asking for raster shadows to be printed with vector linework, can we include color as well? Those nice, crisp lines over a drawing with both color and shadows will really help to communicate the design to the owners, AHJ and contractors.