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I came across this post while searching for something else, so I am very sorry for the delay in response. I hope by now that you have discovered the option to install Revit in Metric units by now. Again, I apologize for the delay! I am going to move this post to the Revit forums as it is not an Idea.
Hi Kimberly, You probably did not my request. I know that I can use metric units but I am still missing units kilometer. Thye is additional units in the 2022 (decimeters, centimeters) version compare to 2021 but still not kilometers. Please keep my idea as to improve Revit. Regards. Adam
Because Revit was created to design and model buildings, not infrastructures. It is unlikely for buildings to span several km, and even if it were the case, it would be perfectly normal to use 1000 m to dimension them. There isn't Miles under Imperial template for the same reason.
I understand your explanation "Revit was created to design and model buildings, not infrastructures". But I still can hear that Revit is "trying" to support bridge design as well but it does not look like it. Why I (and I am sure other users) need unit kilometers? All linear structures in Europe use unit km for stationing. For example, 2.525 325 km, which means 2 kilometers 525 m and the rest. We do not use 2 525.325 m. If Americans don't use miles it does not mean that kilometers can not be introduced. If you could create unit Decimeters or US survey feet why not kilometers? Hopefully, unit km will be available in the next version of Revit.
@ToanDN , I agree with @a_zmuda , it will be nice to have Kilometers and Miles for "Distance Unit" (but not for Lenght Units).
Lenght have some units that Distance do not have: - "Feet and Fractional Inches", "Franctional Inches" and "Meters and Centimeters" (But Meters and Centimeter displays only Meters in Revit 2022; but I never neet that unit).