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Transformer Primary without Neutral

Transformer Primary without Neutral

Delta-wye transformers do not need a neutral wire on the primary side. Revit sees the load as unbalanced and includes a neutral. The neutral should not be included. Two potential solutions:


1. Remove the neutral from the primary of a delta-wye transformer automatically

2. Provide a "Primary Neutral" toggle that can be turned off. This toggle needs to work even on unbalanced loads.


This also applies to 480-120/240V transformers. There should be L1, L2, and G on the primary side, and L1,L2,N, and G on the secondary side. You can use no-neutral wire types to remove the primary neutral, but as soon as you add a 120V load to the secondary panel, the neutral wire reappears.



Agree, there should be an option to remove the Neutral wire


How has this not been fixed by Autodesk yet? For the circuit sizing on the primary, Revit should look only at the primary distribution system. 


In the UK we have a distribution system called TNCS-PNB where the Neutral and Earth are generated at the switchboard downstream of a transformer with the conductor from the TX to the SB being classified as a PEN conductor - Protective Earth & Neutral conductor.


They are not separate as both functions are carried out by the one conductor.

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