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Toposolid workflow and tools

Toposolid workflow and tools

Last week I had a two screen-share calls with Asha from the Autodesk Technical Success Team to review in real time some of the issues that Toposolid has. She advised that I make a new thread on this forum to more visibility by the Development Team. 

1) When in Modify Sub Elements, if multiple points and shape handles are selected, and then moved by either entering a distance, or a start and end point, the selections do not all move the same distance. If only multiple points are selected and moved, they will all move the same distance specified. 

2) Create an Edit mode for Modify Sub Elements. We've become accustomed to having to double-tap esc in Revit to end a command (which in itself is stupid. If I want to end a command, I want to tap esc once. I don't want to tap esc and then have to tap a second time to confirm what I just wanted to end). However, in Modify Sub Element mode, you only tap esc once to end a command. If you double-tap esc, the command is exited. It's so annoying and couinter-productive to habitually double-tap esc thinking to end a command but stay in Modify mode, only to exit Modify mode and then have to select the Toposolid and re-enter Modify mode. 

3) Don't show Toposolid Shape Handles when in Modify Sub Element mode. Or, at least provide an option to show them or not. Perhaps there is someone out there who finds the Toposolid Shape Handles useful. But my guess is for the majority of us that are modifying Toposolids for grading and landscaping, we don't care about and don't want to see Shape Handles. Ever. In Revit 2023 and earlier, in Toposurface, Triangulation Edges had it's own Category and visibility could be controlled. 

4) Allow Points to be Copied. Points can only be added by using Add Point tool. 

5) In Add Point tool, keep the Elevation that has been entered. After the Add Point command is stopped, the Elevation reverts back to 0' 0" / 0.0'. Please. Leave. The. Last. Entry. Every. Time. 

6) When creating a Toposolid from import, provide the ability to specify the spacing between points along contour lines. What nobody is talking about is how poorly Revit creates Toposolids. I showed Asha is real time what a Toposolid looks like that Revit creates from scratch, and how utterly terrible it looks. Revit does not create enough points along contour lines, and consequently the Contour lines that Revit generates bleed all over, making the topography look terrible and not an accurate representation of the actual earth surface. On every project, I have to spend hours and hours of adding points along topo lines to get Revit to create its topo lines that are accurate and look good. 

7) Provide better OOTB tools for manipulating Toposolid, such as the tools Feature Line and Soft Terrain in the previous add-on, Site Works. Autodesk purchased and renamed Site Works from another software developer, who base some of the tools on Civil 3D tools. Autodesk dropped Site Works after 2020. It was an unstable add-on that crashed a lot, and was difficult to understand and implement. But when it worked, it worked very well and provide some extremely useful tool for grading topography. 


I think it would be much better to split this up in separate Revit ideas. I agree with some of these points and would like to vote them up, but I hesitate to do so because I don't agree with all of the suggestions. 


Revit ideas that have multiple requests in them are also much less likely to get accepted because it's unclear for developers which feature requests people actually voted for. 


@pieter1 Good point to make the suggested revisions separate threads. Thanks


Thanks for making an effort to improve Revit.

However, please follow the formatting of the Ideas List, rather than making your post a 'Letter to the Editor' kind of thing -- it's irrelevant who asked you to post it, or why, only the details of the change are important, and your idea won't get traction with the other users who must vote on changes, if it's wordy and takes too long to get to the point.




Can we have a short cut / right button command to select all 'points' (or 'shape handles', what are they?) on a toposolid. (I have to ctrl select these currently which is very time consuming! )


Can we have a way to set the existing points as absolute or relative, when I move a Toposolid to another level, the base and points move together, therefore all points appear to be relative by default.  You should be able to fix the top points to absolute levels and move the base of the topo solid without affecting these (unless you choose to make them relative). 


Other than that a great tool and really useful so far. 

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