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Thermal load summary for radiant time series and heat balance methods

Thermal load summary for radiant time series and heat balance methods

Regarding the thermal load summaries generated by Revit, it would be extremely useful to handle the calculation periods to generate the thermal load profile, that is, there should be a function in Revit in which you can choose the summer/winter months ( or any other period) and thus assemble a table of these months to generate the thermal load profile.

Only the total and punctual simultaneous maximum as a summary, makes it difficult when we work with thermoaccumulation for example.

The above is typical of industry leading thermal load calculation programs such as HAP and Trace.

A suggestion would be to enable these parameters for the tables.

Below is an example of a load summary generated by an HVAC sector program:



Resumo de Carga.jpg




Muito bom.


Having that in Revit would be great!

Community Manager

Hi Michel et al,


Many thanks for your idea and the subsequent votes/comments. The 'original' radiant time series heating and cooling loads goes back a long time and has a number of fundamental limitations, both in terms of in the inputs (esp. geometry), thermal calculation and outputs. In Revit 2020.1 we released an intended upgrade/future replacement in the form of the Revit 'Systems Analysis' features and framework. Its powered by EnergyPlus and OpenStudio, is zonal heat balance method based and best of all... entirely customizable, although that does require some experience writing OpenStudio measure. I've put some links below for further information, but to give you some idea of whats possiblle, since we released this originally in 2020.1 we added an improved output report for heating and cooling loads which is very similar to tools like Trace/HAP (both of which now use the same engine - EnergyPlus). I hope this helps. Once you have had a time to take a look at the info and the feature we'd be very open to more ideas : )

Thanks and regards



Revit Blog Post: Integrated MEP Systems Analysis with Revit 2020.1

(Includes a short flashy video providing an overview of Systems Analysis)

Webinar - An Introduction to Revit Systems Analysis with Revit 2020.1

(A detailed explanation and walkthrough of the Systems Analysis functionality)

AU Class Recording - Revit Systems Analysis Features and Framework - An Introduction

(A step by step guide to Systems Analysis, includes a sample Revit template)


Hi Ian Molloy,

Thanks for the feedback.

The Carrier told me exactly that, they are going to stop using the radiant tamporal series method and are going to start using the heat balance method, I thought it was great! I actually wanted to compare the values ​​between the two methods, hence the above idea. The HVAC industry is more used to the radiant time series method and I agree with you that the heat balance method is more efficient but requires experience in handling the variables. I've already done some tests in Revit with heat balance, now I'm going to customize some things with OpenStudio. Thank you very much!

Community Manager

You are very welcome Michel.


FWIW in my experience comparing tools, even with the same engine can be tricky. There can be small but important differences in how certain inputs are defined/handled and same for the outputs - load breakdowns can be defined/summed slightly differently. As such don't expect them to align perfectly at first. They should be close but there can be differences that can be explained on closer inspection under the hood. If/when you do this I and Im sure others would be very interested to hear your findings. Also if you need any help dont hesitate to ask.


Hi Ian Molloy,

I managed to understand how all this works.

I just have to practice more Ruby

Thank you very much.

Revit OpenStudio.jpg

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