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Text Labels in Elevations (in families)

Text Labels in Elevations (in families)

The Text Labels (built as a Generic Annotation family) can not be placed in elevation views in the families. Would be powerfull when this will be possible in the next release... 


For Example: Import a Text Label in a Window Family that shows the Window Mark. 

Like this the WIndow Marks will be placed automatically when the Window itself is placed. At the moment it is only possible in Plan or Ceiling views.


Bumping this because its coming up on 3 years old and this incredibly arbitrary shortcoming still exists. I get that some things aren't easy to fix, but if this isn't easy to fix, its a glaring window into how much of a mess the underlying coding of Revit is.


Nesting an annotation symbol inside a detail item didn't work for me for this.

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