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Text editor - Paragraph bullet sequencing fix or continuation toggle

Text editor - Paragraph bullet sequencing fix or continuation toggle

We need a way to be able to format paragraphs so we can fit tables in between a set of paragraphs denoted sequential bulleted notes (alpha or numeric). Not all paragraphs are exclusive to text bullets from beginning to end. Currently there is no way to do this because REVIT is not a text editor similar to its AutoCAD counterpart.



Currently there is no way to hit a button to either restart numbering (example paragraph 6 and 1 above (Which should continue as 7)) or edit bullet numbering sequence so that it can continue on. Not having this feature creates chaos to the person on the back end not being able to just simply fix the broken indentation. Without specific training or tactics this leads to people manually hard returning like a typewriter and placing statically placed text in lieu of numbered bullets (in the example above). This chaos often starts after additional changes are required to the document. Once this happens the manual indents and manually placed text "bullets" become super evident or someone notices that the sequences in the bullet area do not auto number/sequence because this has been manually placed.


Example for the hack method mentioned above when edited (Lets say I edit the first mentioned word of "HILTI-HAS-V-36" to be more flexible to other products by stating OAE (or approved equivalent). This is quite often where the domino starts and imagine having 32 bullets behind this


Now imagine I want to squeeze the paragraph nodes together (even more chaos)

PARAGRAPH FORMATTING - modifying text boundary .jpg

Again this chaos is caused by the lack of a simple feature which most text editors have. Being able to continue numbering or specifying the indent sequence number would resolve this issue. Workarounds can be done but this is a systemic issue all because revit did not ever obtain the text formatting tool found in CAD\Microsoft office\etc. We do quite often put specifications on drawings but as you can see above try to avoid it at all costs and or use images all because this feature is just simply not there.


Can you please add this to the next implementation list?



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