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Structural framing Z justification Top

Structural framing Z justification Top

I have a TT-vloer (prefab concreet floor) we use mainly in carparkings.


I made this years ago as a Generic family. Now my new co-worker tells me that we should change it. Make it as a Structural Framing. Because of benifits.


Top of a Structural framing is the highest point in the family.

On the lowest side of the floor we make a triangle as a gutter. 25 by 280 mm. The gutter is driven by a yes/no parameter. 


So when I place 2 floors next to each other, one with the gutter and one without, the floor with the gutter lays 25 mm lower then the floor without the gutter. Revit sees the highest part of the family and that is it. 


In my family i did add a ref-plane which has the setting top


My proposal. 

Is it possible to make the ref-plane Top the value to which my z-justification is aligned. Even if there is 3D content above this ref-Plane






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