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Stop work-sharing

Stop work-sharing

Sometimes you may want to test something on a detached version of you rcurrent project. To achieve that you currently have to close your project, if on B360, publish it and reopen it as a detached copy.

The idea would be a stop work-sharing button or save as detached copy.


Even just the ability to easily open a Detached copy of a BIM360 model from the Revit interface would be really nice. It was so easy to do in native Revit, but its a cumbersome 9 step process when the central lives on BIM360.


I found out today that you can save any open ACC/B360 project to your local drive under a different name. Close the project and re-open the new version as a detached version. When I tried this, all linked files were in a suspended state, ie. not loaded. Worked for my situation but I still think a stop or detach button will be helpful.


We have a couple different use cases than what you describe. My engineers want to be able to investigate the architectural model, and I dont want them to be able to change anything in there, so I detached copy that you dont save is ideal in this situation. Similarly we run overnight plotting software that we dont want to be able to accidentally modify anything (due to unpredictable dialog boxes upon opening, courtesy of 'live linking'), so a disposable copy of the model is preferred then too.

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