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Steel connections - be able to set dimensions between bolts.

Steel connections - be able to set dimensions between bolts.

Steel connections - be able to set dimensions between bolts.

It is sometimes possible to set dimension in x- or y-axis by selecting the point of the nut of the bolt, but not x- or y-axis at the same time, and not the CL of the bolt.


I have to cheat now with detail lines.


I work in R2021.


An update:
I found out that if you change "show hidden lines: by discipline" to ":all" the center point of each bolt gets dimension-able. I can't set dimensions to the center point in "... by discipline" by tabbing. The magic CL appears only in "...: all"

Status changed to: Implemented

We are pleased to say that this has been implemented in Revit 2025! Thank you for your contribution to improving Revit!

Help | Tag and Dimension Steel Connection Components | Autodesk


 -The Factory


Hi @kimberly_fuhrman-jones 


I'm glad to hear this, well done.


I must also ask if your team has solved the issue when the dimensioning of the bolts jumps around? It is crucial to solve this issue, since it makes us distrust and spend more time on re-doing our jobs, see the link below.


@robert.jungergard , Per the product team, yes, this issue has been resolved.

Community Visitor

Hi @kimberly_fuhrman-jones, as far as I can see in Revit 2025 this issue has not been resolved? Can you add a link here to the forum showing a video where this is working?

@dsheehan78 , I do not have a video specifically for this feature, however maybe this forum thread can help. It looks like the view needs to be set to a "Fine" detail level.

Dimensioning Connections in Plan - Autodesk Community - Revit Products

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