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Specifiy Rounding Method for Schedule Totals

Specifiy Rounding Method for Schedule Totals

We need more granularity for how schedule totals are displayed.  A formula would be ideal, but the ability to round a figure up or down (to a specified precision) would solve the problem.



There are some schedules that hold data that must be handled in a specific way.  A prime example is occupancy and plumbing fixture counts, which must be rounded up to the nearest whole number.  The same issue could apply to materials, for example if you need to round the square footage of tile up by the amount in a box of tiles.


Currently you can only apply a formula to each row of the schedule.  For totals, you can round, but it is a standard arithmetic rounding, down for numbers below 5 and up for above.  I need my occupant count and plumbing fixture count schedules to show whole numbers, rounded up.  I can't apply a formula to each element because that will change change the values considerably (Four rooms with 0.1 occupants would become 4 occupants rather than 1!)

Not applicable

Hi every one.


Its very simpl, and wery usfull, and need to all users. Make it plese for the greater good.


Its a thing which was asked and answered many times a thousand times. But pretty amazing that we don't have ideas about this.


Its Round problem is quite nervous to all users and make a bad light to all product.


I've had other arguments with folks about this.

I completely disagree that the Total should use the rounded values.

Yes, it looks a little nicer (if someone wants to bother adding up all the individual values). but that "rounded total" would be WRONG.

Let's say you have ten values that are all 10.4.

If you round off the individual values, and then total that, your "rounded total" would show 100. That value is off by 4 percent. 

I'd prefer showing an accurate value for the total.

Let's sat you're going to rent that space. Are you going to change the client for the actual square footage, or some arbitrary rounded off number just because it looks nicer in the schedule?

Not applicable

You see the specification on the sheet.
You see the values in the specification.
You see that the sum of the values is not correct.
You see the error in the documentation.
Indeed, suddenly Rounding DOES NOT GIVE the exact number, and rounding was invented for this. And the right rounding is taken for the right situation, and it’s underlined, if you have chosen the right rounding for the project, then the sum of your values will be in the rounding you need.


If you have the task of giving the exact number without rounding, you give the exact number without rounding. But Revit is a program for creating design documentation and bim building models. The information in the bim model has maximum accuracy, the values in the documentation have accuracy according to the assignment for the project.

I agree, we have developed custom script to get numbers in an accounting way right. Indeed when you create selling plans for an appartement (we do a lot of housing projects) the plan has the state of a document. Therefore the sum of rounded values (squaremeters) has to the addition of rouded values. An option to activate (like in the most common used spreadsheet programm) should be implemented.

We loose lots of time by doing complicated workarounds.


I think that the current way that Revit handle things is the proper way of handling it.
As other have pointed out, using the rounded value in the schedule would create more problem then it would solve. 

The main reason why I would be against this is that theses rounded value could then be use in formula as well, creating a lot of problems.


By the way, it is possible to get rounded values(and totals) in schedules without affecting the original data.


The way I'm usually do it is by adding calculated columns to my schedules. 

For example, if I want the total Watts per space and then a Total for all spaces (and everything rounded to the closest 5W for example) I would use the following formula in a calculated column : (Round(Watts/5W))*5W. 

Then you can simply hide the original column with the original data.


Yes this is a "workaround", but it also mean you are the one with control about how the data is shown or calculated.


Not applicable

As it is now, this is not the right way. Trying to prove that he is faithful, appealing to the fact that we are so used to correcting everything ourselves, is also not the right way. What we see now is done by the programmer for programmers. The fact that in the view of the programmer should be more correct, without considering how the engineer uses this tool.
Yes, we all know how to show “real” round values ​​in specifications, creating thousands of calculated parameters for thousands of specifications and coating them with all of our templates. No, this is not the right way either. The specification, how the tool displays values, shows rounded values ​​and their sums. If the sum of the values ​​is not a mathematical sum, this is an error. The fact that it can be corrected by a rounded formula and a calculated parameter, a bad way out of the situation. In addition, the calculated parameter and formula also do not always round correctly, this is noticeable if you use the metric Revit.


It is also good to discuss this when you have been working in Кevit for a long time, and you know how to fix it and so on. But any person who looks at the situation from the side. The customer, the potential buyer, users of other BIM software, they all see this as an error. And this error really exists here.

Not applicable

The main reason why I would be against this is that theses rounded value could then be use in formula as well, creating a lot of problems.

Such a problem does not exist at all. If you need a non-rounded value in a formula, you use a specification with non-rounded values. If you round something in the specification, it is logical that a rounded value goes to the formula for calculating something with something, and it is precisely this that is the starting point for the calculation.


While now, if you round off in the specification, it does not affect anything other than the visualization of this figure itself.
To put it mildly, this is not what you expect from the rounding mechanism in a program that allows you to calculate construction data.


There's a simple solution.

Add a note at the bottom of the schedule:

Note: Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.


Note: Because of rounding, sums of individual values may not equal totals.


The first example is from a Uranium Industry Annual Report

The second is from an Employee handbook: Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms


So it's not just Revit.

Not applicable

Lets adding note in all place when Revit works not correctly. (No)


A completely correct solution would be to add a switch which will choose the logic of work.

Round after summation, round before summation.


Although the fact that rounding off after summing is necessary in rare cases and its is an exception, and summing up rounded values is a daily practice for all engineers around the world.



Rounding Values for Grand Totals Calculations
To be able to assign a rounding in the general total values of the planning tables.
In many cases the result that one wants to show is the round value of the total that revit provides.
An example, the table you see shows that it is necessary for the cuts or measurements of the smallest plates, only one plate.
If the values could be rounded, only the number of plates needed would be shown.


Redondeo en tablas 01.jpgRedondeo en tablas 02.jpgPoder asignar un redondeo en los valores totales generales de las tablas de planificacion.
En muchos casos el resultado que uno quiere mostrar, es el valor redondo de el total que revit proporciona.
Un ejemplo, la tabla que ven muestra que es necesaria por los cortes o medidas de las placas mas chicas, solo una placa.
Si se pudieran redondear los valores, se mostrarian solo la cantidad de placas necesarias.

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Raise this undoubtedly important and very critical issue.

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 @kimberly.fuhrman that sounds great. Thank you for the response!

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