We need more granularity for how schedule totals are displayed. A formula would be ideal, but the ability to round a figure up or down (to a specified precision) would solve the problem.
There are some schedules that hold data that must be handled in a specific way. A prime example is occupancy and plumbing fixture counts, which must be rounded up to the nearest whole number. The same issue could apply to materials, for example if you need to round the square footage of tile up by the amount in a box of tiles.
Currently you can only apply a formula to each row of the schedule. For totals, you can round, but it is a standard arithmetic rounding, down for numbers below 5 and up for above. I need my occupant count and plumbing fixture count schedules to show whole numbers, rounded up. I can't apply a formula to each element because that will change change the values considerably (Four rooms with 0.1 occupants would become 4 occupants rather than 1!)