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Well that is great news!! PLEASE make it happen ASAP!!!!!! It has been an enormous irritation since the very beginning of Revit. The ability to re-sort FAMILY parameters was a huge improvement, and it gave me hope that Project parameters would follow shortly. PLEASE!!!
Unfortunately we cannot comment on "when" something will be added to a product. Keep an eye on the roadmap, or join the Revit Preview Release (beta) by emailing to test and track features and enhancements currently in development.
@SenglyC they added it to the public roadmap (idea's that they are working on implementing, it is no promise that those things will make it in the next release though, but it is a good sign that it might make it into Revit).
@benschilders , Thank you for your response! Here is a link to the new and improved Revit Public Roadmap, where you can not only tell us the importance of the feature, but also add input in the way of comments that go directly to our Product Teams working on Revit!
@kimberly_fuhrman-jones The new roadmap really works well and is more clear with the categories of now later and so on.
Also nice to read the explantion why you guys choose not to make a Revit mac version or make revit backwards compatible, beeing transparant is so important to gain back user trust !
This "Wish" was created in 2016... We are now in 2023 and still, none of the directors in the programming department assigned this seamignly simple and hoplessly voted task to his team... Maybe this list is just not connected to any Autodesk server?
This Idea has been accepted and is now on our public roadmap. Please follow the roadmap for additional development information and consider joining the Revit Preview Release to test features currently in development.
@kimberly_fuhrman-jones The roadmap mentions 'sorting project parameters alphabetically". Is the update limited to just sorting alphabetically or will custom sorting also be supported? I voted for this Revit idea because I want to be able to custom sort them (just like I can in the families, hence the title of this idea). Alphabetical sorting is useless for me.
@pieter1 , the original Idea is for Alphabetic sorting (A-Z, Z-A). The roadmap indicates Alpha-Numeric sorting. Custom sorting may need to be a separate Idea.
The original idea did indeed say "Allow to change order or A-Z (Z-A) sorting for project parameters" but the title of the idea and the attached image indicated the OP wanted to also custom sort. Or at least that's how I interpreted it when I voted for it.
Creating a new idea for custom sorting and driving up the vote count and waiting for it to get pick up again could easily cost us years. So I hope feel our best recourse here arguing that this idea is not implemented until custom sorting is added.
I am confused by this Roadmap item... Alpha-Numeric sorting in the Project Parameters list is already automatic. For instance in the Project Parameter list, I added a parameter for Project Information category... it appeared in the list in alphabetic order automatically.
Now when I look in the Project Information dialog, that new parameter appears in in there in the order in which it was created (at the bottom of the Identity Data category) .
I think that @BiktimirovK 's idea is to be able to sort the parameters in the dialog box in which the parameter appears (e.g. Project Information or Properties). So if they are working on that, great! But per the image and text in the Roadmap item, it appears they are working on sorting the Project Parameters list alphabetically which it already is, so that confuses me. I would have to agree with @pieter in that looking at this original idea in total, that @BiktimirovK intended for both Alphabetical and Custom sorting capabilities.