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Slab outside view range should be not visible

Slab outside view range should be not visible

On behalf of a customer from Germany let me add the following wish: 


Make slab not visible outside View Range


Currently regarding: 

About the View Range


Elements Below the Bottom Clip Plane and Within the View Depth Elements within the view depth are drawn using the line style regardless of the element's category. Exceptions: Floors, structural floors, stairs, and ramps located outside the view range use an adjusted range that is 4 feet (about 1.22 meters) below the bottom of the primary range. Within this adjusted range, the elements are drawn using the projection line weight for the category. If they exist outside this adjusted range but within the view depth, these elements are drawn using the line style.




Previous form thread

floor slab out of range displayed


I would add to this wish walls, stairs or pretty much any element that is currently using that out of range exception

Not applicable

It is silly to have such a customisable system with depth as an option for it to then be overwritten, either make it a tick box option (or similar) or remove the feature, I have found myself frustrated so often!


Note that the "structural floors" mentioned in the help seems to refer to regular "Floors" (i.e. with the "Structural" property checked). Slab foundations (Structural Foundation: Slab) are thankfully not visible outside the View Range.


Also, Floors that are EXACTLY 4' below the "Bottom" are NOT visible (assuming they're not within the View Depth), so if you have a 10' floor-to-floor height (and there are NO intermediate floors), you can set your "Bottom" as low as -6' without needing to manually hide any floors.


I'm surprised this idea doesn't have more votes, but I haven't been seeing this issue quite as much as I used to (though it still pops up). Maybe that's because architects aren't modeling stair landings as separate floors, or maybe I'm not working on as many custom homes as I used to. The biggest annoyance is that I can't trust the view to only show what I told it to!


Has anyone figured out a good hack to not show the floors below?


This is causing lots of issues in our structural plans for custom homes. I would rather not individually hide the floors below. We often have floors or roofs that are within 4ft of each other. 


Totally agree with the sentiment that if I am able to set the custom view range to show only what I am wanting to display, then that should be what is displayed. Seems more like an API bug (which should be an easy fix) than an enforced override.


Some background on the issue from an Autodesk response.


Most elements will adhere to the View Range in your example.  If the element that's four feet below Level 0 is a Generic Model instead of a floor, it will not display if the Bottom and View Depth are set to a foot below Level 0.

Floors have special superpowers with respect to View Range settings.  They will remain visible within 4' of the limiting range setting.  I believe that this design decision was made decades ago because customers didn't want their floors to disappear with slight floor elevation changes in a plan view.  Yes, they could've lowered the view range to accommodate the differences, but then other elements may have started becoming visible below the topmost slab.

Was this the best decision?  Is there a better way to handle it?  After 20 years, there really could be!


With this in mind and the current content of comments on this topic, it would seem that there is merit in a review from the development team to investigate further.


Some additional thoughts:

  • Blanket view range settings enforcement for all elements regardless of category? What would the negative impacts be, as Revit is meant to be a window to the virtual model, so things should show, or not, when required.
  • If something is outside the view range but still visible this can also lead to 'Active View Elements' collection issues with automation in Dynamo.
  • Parameter filters can be used to control the visibility of elements which have vertical differences, but are not easy to manage en-mass when it comes to large models.

I used to close the floor in my floor view plan (and maybe show them in structure view plan).

But now I found that the same issue happens in stair, railings, and maybe other things I didn't find yet.


I really need a logic-based method to fix the problem. Though just throw them into a new visible/drawing layer is helpful.

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