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Show Revit links in this view - Button

Show Revit links in this view - Button

All the view tabs have a corresponding button except the one for Revit Links.


There are many views where I don't want any Revit links, current or future ones, to show up.  Seems like an oversight that is long overdue. 


buttong 2.png

Bonus: Would be awesome if it was also possible to assign a hotkey to this function!



@TSwayzeit's not entirely clear what you mean.




If you open Visibility/Graphics there is a button to uncheck the entire category. Every category has one except Revit Links (which includes IFC-links). This would arguably the most useful one too.


When working with a view it would save time if I can just turn off all links in one go instead of unchecking individual ones. (double so if we also get a hotkey).


Also when you link a new ifc/rvt it defaults to being on in every single view, even if I have unchecked all models in that view previously. With rebar details for example I never want other models to be visible. It would be much simpler if I could just turn them all of once and for all instead of going through each view or template to turn the new model off every time I link one.




This is the most annoying thing in Revit! Such a simple fix as you have shown above! I work on large projects and have 20+ Linked Revit models in my model at any given time. When the project start there are none. Very very annoying that after linking a new model in i have to go into each view template and turn off the newly linked model. Yes i have the linked model on individual Worksets but certain view template need to show the new model and some do not, so a blanket turn off of the Workset will not suffice.

even the ability to change the default of all revit links to OFF. then you turn on as needed. 

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