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show form grips no matter whether view is parallel or otherwise

show form grips no matter whether view is parallel or otherwise

When editing beams carrying a roof these usually are constructed to falls.

Editing their ends is tedious as it is, but that you cannot get a hold of their form grips unless they are parallel to my floor plan is extra mean. These should illustrate this, in case the form grips are called something else in the American version. For now I am too angry to bother to start an non-localized version just to provide proper screenshots:
20230727 103845-Window.pngbeam being parallel to my view (floor plan), the mouse arrow showing the gizmo in question (form grip)

20230727 103820-Window.pngbeam being sloped to my view (same floor plan), the steel section is the same as in the other screenshot.

I propose to always show the form grip, especially in 3D views and sections. Give them another colour if they happen to be deviating from the parallel ideal. They could also be properly modelled cones and would thus naturally show anything askew.

1 Comment

Alright, I retract the proposal concerning Revit not showing the form ends in any view non-parallel. All I had to do was model the beam from scratch and not try to re-fit an existing one. I probaby should be used to that approach by now. I think having the edit form ends UI elements as proper 3d elements is still an idea. But maybe that is already around somewhere?

Sorry to have bothered the community.

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