I would like to propose that you make some changes to the guild grid under the View Tab - Sheet Composition.
Instead of limiting the grid to just being an specific dimension for both X & Y axis I propose 3 changes
- Ability to sent X and Y separately.
- Ability to just set the # of rows/columns you want and it figures out what the dimensions should be.
- Would also be nice if you could align the grid boarder with your title block boarder. Doing that along with #2 it could parametrically adjust the column/row dimensions to equal the requested # of columns and rows. If I draw a small grid square and say I was 4 Columns and 3 Rows. It will show exactly that. I then stretch the boarder to 3 times the size it will still show 4 columns and 3 rows but will adjust width and height to match the new border dimensions.
So basically when you make a grid you could do so by dimensions OR but column/row count.