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Sheet Collection - Sheet Index Filter

Sheet Collection - Sheet Index Filter

Revit 2025 introduced "Sheet Collections".  This concept is great - it allows users to group sheets together in the Project Browser.  It is especially powerful when a user has multiple buildings in one file, because it allows the user to have multiple sheets with the same sheet number, for example (2) A-101 sheets, etc.


This is all great, but has one major flaw.  The Sheet List schedule allows the addition of the "Sheet Collection" field.  However, the field is not available in the Filter tab.  This seems like an obvious place to leverage that field.  This would allow the user to have a sheet index for each building in the file.  Of course there are workarounds, like leveraging another field that matches the Sheet Collection field value, but requires additional work and coordination.  I hope this is resolved in upcoming updates.


I can filter on the 'sheet collection' just fine. Are you sure it was added as a field to the schedule?


sheet collection.png

Yes, that has been addressed in the software since my original post.

Unless I am mistaken, there has not been a patch for Revit 2025 so that seems unlikely. 


Just to follow up on this since I was also experiencing this issue earlier today, but it appears any sheet schedule created in a previous version upgraded to 2025 cannot filter by sheet.


I upgraded our firm template from 2024 to 2025 and added the "Sheet Collection" Parameter to the schedule. I was able to sort by collection, and I could see the collection in the schedule, but I was unable to filter. I created a brand new sheet schedule and added the same parameters and that one could filter fine.


This looks like a bug and as of 2025.1, the issue still persists. Hopefully this gets fixed in a future update, but if anyone is running into this issue, just try to recreate the schedule after upgrading. Hope this helps!


Thanks for sharing @josh.hafel.  I experienced the exact same thing.  I created a NEW schedule and could filter with the Sheet Collection parameter.


Hi all,


Thank you for bringing this topic up. One thing to confirm, for these upgraded or any other schedules:


When using Sheet List Properties > Filter, the Sheet Collection parameter is available unless the schedule is using Fields > Include elements in links.


Currently you cannot filter by Sheet Collection, if also scheduling elements in links. Some other parameters in Revit also run into this limitation (when the parameter internally utilizes Element Id's for filtering).


We do have an improvement, to see if this implementation can be modified, in order to support Sheet List Schedule filtering when also including elements in links, as a potential future improvement.


@josh.hafel @mlinnBGZGL 

I don't have the sheet collection filtering issue with any existing schedules.

It seems like some sort of sporadic issue...


@ryan.duell, any movement / ETA on when Links will be available for Sheet Collection parameter?


So how are y'all solving this problem in the meantime? Did you add a shared parameter to all the Revit models so that you can filter? 


This Improvement I was hoping for did not materialize in the Revit 2025.3 update.


@curtisridenour - as it turns out the filter is not available if the schedule was upgraded from a previous version.  However, if you create a new schedule with all the same fields and settings in the updated version, the filter should be available.  Hope this helps!


Deleting comment... I inadvertently posted previous comment twice.


@mlinnBGZGL - although creating a new schedule might help with filtering without linked sheets, it still does not seem to help when linking sheets from other Revit models.


I made two brand new Revit models. Made them central files by worksharing them. I linked Project 2 into Project 1. I created a brand new Sheet Index and the Sheet Collection parameter is not available to filter with.





@ryan.duell 's post is still accurate that Sheet Index's cannot be filtered by Sheet Collection if the "Include elements in links" button is checked even with the updated Revit 2025.3


Having the same issue for linked model sheet list. It's critical to have this feature to work for linked models as well for set coordination between the design team. 

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