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Shared annotations cannot be used in 3d model families.
One of those pesky errors Revit throws. You can load a Generic Annotation into a 3D-family. But you cannot load a Shared Generic Annotation into a 3D-family. Please resolve....
This would be extremelly usefull to swap symbols of diferent country standards provided that the generic annotation families had the same name - We could swap them both in the families and the legends just by drag and drop a full folder in the project. It would be amazing!!!
I'm having the same issue. How do I add a label to a lighting fixture? Seems very basic. . . .
I guess I could add a tag to my lighting fixtures instead of having that product code inside the family.
I feel like I'm spending more time finding work arounds then actually drafting. The more I use Revit the more convoluted the underlying database with parameters seems to be.