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Set ElectricalSystem Voltage When Set as Instance Parameter

Set ElectricalSystem Voltage When Set as Instance Parameter

Using the Revit API, if the voltage of a connector is set using an instance parameter, when an ElectricalSystem is created using it the voltage is set to 0. The ElectricalSystem then cannot be connected to a panel.


More details about this error are available at this forum thread:


This error has been logged as issue REVIT-180706 [API ElectricalSystem.Create() cannot specify voltage and poles].


Fix this error so that the API can be used to automate what is possible using the standard Revit UI.


The Revit development team says: 


I read through the forum post and think the remaining request now is to support setting Voltage and Poles when creating a circuit using API, correct?

As far as I can tell, the current UI behaviour is to get the LL/LG voltage from the distribution systems defined in the current project for the selected Number of Poles when you create the power circuit. From your conversation with the 3rd party developers, do you know whether they would like the exact same behaviour for the circuit creation API? Or, do they just want to input the values without knowing the currently available ones set in the project?




ElectricalSystem.Create works if the voltage is set with a type parameter. I use that in my code and it works great.


When the voltage is set using an instance parameter, the voltage ends up being 0. I'm looking for similar functionality in the instance parameter case. It should read the voltage based on the instance parameter, then set the voltage in the exact same way it does if it is a type parameter. I would like the two cases to be identical.


Thank you all for your perseverance and patience getting this addressed.


The development team completed work on the ticket REVIT-180706 [API ElectricalSystem.Create() cannot specify voltage and poles].


The updated behaviour is ready for review in the development version of Revit. You will be able to test it in an upcoming Preview Release.


I asked whether it can be made available sooner, in an update of the current release.


They answer: We just implemented it. We need to validate the results with more users before we can say it’s ready for a ship integration. Do you think people who requested this can access our Preview Release build in the coming months to help us test it?


So, that is the question: would you like to register for the Preview Release and try it out as soon as it becomes available? Please do and provide feedback on it in the Preview Release forum.


If everybody confirms the behaviour is useful, it may be possible to integrate REVIT-180706 [API ElectricalSystem.Create() cannot specify voltage and poles] into an update of the current release as well.


Thank you!







Dear all,


I have good news on this issue. The development team moved the release forward, from the next major Revit release to the next update release of Revit 2024. The date is not yet fixed, but it will be earlier than the next major release, in any case:


P.S. This statement is being made as of today, and we assume no obligation to update this forward-looking statement to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist or change after the date on which it was made. If this statement is reviewed after this date, it may no longer contain current or accurate information.



This question was raised again in the discussion forum thread:


The development ticket REVIT-180706 [API ElectricalSystem.Create() cannot specify voltage and poles.] mentioned above has been marked as fixed. The enhancements were included in Revit 2024.2 and Revit 2025. So afaict, all should be well. Can this wish list item be closed? Has it been resolved? Are any further enhancements required?


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