The selected element changes unexpectedly when editing a sorted property in the schedule.
When you rename a view in the Project Browser, or change the property of a selected element, you expect the same element to still be selected after the change (and it IS), but if you use a pulldown to change the property in a schedule, and the schedule is sorting by that property, the element selected is unexpectedly changed (will select the element that now occupies that position in the schedule). Similar weirdness happens if you use Tab or Enter... Tab also results in the same "position"/row being selected (instead of the next column of the SAME element), and Enter results in the position/row below (which could be one OR two elements below the one just edited, or even the element that was just edited!).
In an example with three elements sorted by values 1, 2, & 3, changing 1 to a 4 (with a pull down or Tab) will result in 2 being selected instead, using an Enter will result in 3 being selected instead, but if it's not sorted, a pull-down or Tab will keep 1 selected (as expected) and Enter will select 2 (probably as expected).
I submitted to support, and of course got "This is expected behavior..."