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Routing Solutions with defined angle

Routing Solutions with defined angle

With round duct, we tend to use rolling offsets on a project to minimize fittings and cost. The problem with routing solutions is that it will give you some crazy, non-realistic angles (example=60.46 degrees). Is there a way to add a specific angle (example=45 degrees) to use as a parameter in order to skip the lengthy process of rolling an offset manually? I have tried to use the MEP settings under the angle category and it does not work. I would like to see a button or a function that will auto route from one end of the duct to another, no matter where they are located with the ability to select a specific angle or not.


*See attached video with the process we use to roll a duct offset with a specific angle.


I know it's an old post. In Revit 2020 or 2021 there's still no angle setup for routing solutions. Did someone already have some work around? 




Harm Wolters

Not applicable

We ended up switching over to fabrication parts, so it is no longer a problem for us.


Still a yes vote for me.  In my mind, this is a bug fix, not a feature request.

The mechanical settings/allowed angles are there for a reason, so routing solutions should be so-constrained.  Routing solutions are almost useless otherwise.


FabMEP is not a viable option for our org.

Need the same for Electrical conduit!  Same issue of not being able to bend conduit at preset angles when doing rolls.

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