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Room Name and Number Parameters accessible via View Titles

Room Name and Number Parameters accessible via View Titles

Would love to be able to drop a view title that references the Room Name - Room Number for the area the elevation was placed in.  Saves time and reduce chance for typo's!


Although this would be nice to have, I think the current way elevations work would not be feasible.

What would happen if you have an elevation that extends vertically or horizontally through 2 or more rooms?

What would happen if you place the elevation in one room but then moved it and now its in a different room?


I think for this to work we would need the ability to assign a room to an elevation so it sort of acts as a scope box and its extents cannot exceed the assigned room.


Just place Room Tags in the view.


There are Dynamo solutions available for this, if need this regularly I would pay an expert to tailor it to your needs. 

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