Doors and windows should have an option to add their niche area to room net area.
Why do we need it?
We have an official law here in Estonia to calculate the area of a door/window niche if both of these conditions are true: a) sill height = zero, b) opening is higher than 2200 mm. If the door is between two rooms, the niche area is divided between those rooms.
I've heard that we are not the only country in Europe to have such law.
The workaround right now is extremely frustrating. For exterior walls we basically uncheck the Room Bounding of all the walls and draw room separation lines. For interior walls we create a wall opening on top of a door element with the width as door width and height just a little bit more than level computation height. And then we add room separation line along the wall center line. All of this is completely manual work and we have to do that in EVERY SINGLE PROJECT. Imagine an apartment building with 120 apartments. It takes days.