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Revit Sun Study Animation/Video Extraction with Default/custom values in Video Length/Format using Design Automation.

Revit Sun Study Animation/Video Extraction with Default/custom values in Video Length/Format using Design Automation.

I tried generating a SunStudy Animation video using an addin. My idea was to extend the functionality over the web using Revit Design Automation. But I faced two problems listed below with my comments on them.

  1. It is very straight-forward to generate Sun path Using "SunAndShadowSettings" class available in the API. But while generating the video using ("PostableCommand.ExportImagesandAnimationsSolarStudy"), Revit pops up video Length/Format Dialog with Video Length parameters related to frames, frames/sec, format and video dimensions etc, requiring user interaction. This defeats the purpose of automation.  

    "I think it would be a great idea to have function parameters to suppress and/or go past it and accept the default video length/format parameters. I think this should be a general functionality for all the functions that pop up a dialog boxes requiring user interaction."
  2. Also, for Dialogs with input fields such as the one mentioned above, it would be a good idea to have and key-value paired object parameter in the relevant API function that can allow the user to specify the parameters.

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