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Revit library on different disks

Revit library on different disks

Hey everyone, whatsupp?


So, my idea is about to allow the change of the libraries installation disk!


But, why to do this?


Currently, the installer allows you to choose the program installation disk, but does not allow the choice of the disk where the libraries will be installed, using main disk space.

With the spread of SSDs, it's increasingly common to have small partitions on the main disk and secondary and third disks with more space. The problem occurs when you are out of space on the primary SSD and need to install the program on a secondary disk. You can't do this!


Obviously this change requires modifications to the default revit configuration after it is installed, since the program looks for the library on the primary disk.

For example: With this modification, when you install the libraries on the partition E, the program automatically recognizes that the library has been installed on partition E. After installation, it will be preconfigured to browse to the library on the installed disk.


So it's my ideia, hope you enjoy it!


you CAN actually define where you want to create the library at the installation stage... 


you CAN move your library at any time and change the lookup path afterwards in revit options...


the only thing that you cannot have is automatically have the change be applied to the already loaded family of existing projects.... They will keep the original path when you click reload..... until you change it by reloading from the new location !


Enjoy 😉

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